Chapter 42

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Nine months later.......

Another busy day at work had me engrossed in mapping out different strategies on how to treat my patients. It was mid-day and I was already tired with back to back appointments.

If anyone could hear the truths and pain of these people there perspective about the world could change. Everything was always hidden in this world. Whether it be abuse or mental illness. We could progress and even set up life over the moon but no we would never acknowledge that they were not all right or depressed or were mentally ill.

They called them trouble souls but for me they were patients who could be cured. They would take them to church to wash off the sins, to have them exorcized but never to a doctor. Why? All because of a dent to the image. It was how the world worked. Never acknowledging the problem.

"Ma'am you can't go in there," the raised voices and opening of my door had me drawn out of my thoughts.

"You have no right to stop me," She yelled at my secretary. I knew she was going to come in one day or another soon.

"Kathy its' alright," I told my secretary nodding her that I could handle this.

"What the hell is happening, Nathaniel?" she screamed at me as I went to close the door.

"What are you talking about?" her eyes burning with anger as I walked back to my desk to my patient's files. Her outburst was something I was looking forward too. I had my own set of questions for her. What would her husband think of if I told her about what she had tried to do? I didn't expect anything good would come out of it.

"You know it very well as well as I do, Nathaniel," her fingers pointed at me out of accusations but I was already over with her pointing fingers at me.

"They denied me access to meet her. Can you tell me why was I denied to meet my own daughter out of a sudden!" her voice taking a higher note with each word.

"Because I told them to," I replied as I penned down various treatments for the upcoming patients.

"I already know that! I want to know why," all her screaming made my head hurt. It was better I get over this discussion so I could avoid a major headache which would make me cancel all the appointments for the day. Looking up at her putting my pen aside I gestured her to sit down.

"You know very well what you did, Amelia," there was no remorse in her eyes. Just fury.

"I don't' have any idea what you are talking about. So, help me I would like you to explain," she was playing the innocent card.

"Serena, has been doing so much better in the mental hospital since the last nine months. I mean I have seen her progress report there has been no outburst. She has been taking her medications. Her therapy sessions have been very productive. Everything she has told makes a lot of sense from my observations," I didn't let her lose eye contact with me.

"However last week for the very first time in the last nine months she had an outburst. There was so much rage that she had broken things inside her room forcing the facility to sedate her to able to control her," her eyes flickered. There was a glimpse of satisfaction in those eyes.

"Do you have to say anything about that Amelia?" she sat straighter. Her posture was confident as she lied through her teeth.

"I didn't know," I stared at her for a minute too long to intimidate her.

"Isn't it coincidental that it happened the same day that you met her? The nurses on duty said that she seemed a lot upset after you had left," She was there every week to see Serena but until now there had been no outburst. I knew it was all her.

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