Chapter 31

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"I'm scared Aaron," Serilda whispered with her lips barely an inch away from mine.

"Don't be, not until I'm with you," I whispered to her pulling her into my lap with my arms around her. She was bruised and in pain but she was perfect for me and so was her beauty. Her soul was the most beautiful one even when broken and torn. She had worked hard and harder and that is why I had always loved her. I could never let her go. She was my hope to live and my only reason too.

We were together on the plane flying back to LA. She has reached just in time before the storm. My relief and happiness to see her had been turned into shock when I saw her bruised face hidden behind heaps of foundation and makeup. There was a limp in her walk and I had run towards her to catch her from falling. Tears marred her face and all I could see in her eyes was happiness even when her face told another story of physical pain. But when she gave me her sorry smile, I was a goner. She didn't say anything but I knew it was all Serena's doing. She was the reason behind the bruised condition of Serilda. I wanted to strangle Serena for what she had done. She deserved it. I wanted to kill her and give her pain million times greater than what Serilda was suffering. Picking her up in my arms I had taken her to the doctor I had found on the short notice. He had done a quick checkup keeping in mind the small-time window we had. She had no broken bones and it was a relief to hear. The doctor said she was good to go but needed to get her checked in a hospital for a concussion. Within the next twenty minutes we were already in the air with Serilda leaving behind her past forever and when we were all alone I couldn't keep my hands off her. It was hard too. I had kissed her every bruise in hopes it will make it better.

She sat in my lap with me holding her close and breathing in her scent. Everything was lost to me and it was only her. She was someone who could bring me to my knees and make me lose my mind and everything. I had never ever considered that this could have been possible. She was my hope, my light, my strength, my weakness and even my reason to live. She gave me a reason to live and I would never let her go. Having her wasn't less than a dream come true for me. I wanted her in my life as my love as my partner and she would be my everything from this day onwards and till my last breath.

"I'm glad I have you," her words were my everything.

"Not more than I'm," I couldn't tell her or express anyway that how much her coming to me and loving me meant for me. All I wanted was to love her and have her love in any condition. I was thankful for food poisoning on the day when my mother had set up a blind date between me and Serena. I was glad that I had sent Erik because I wouldn't have been able to meet Serilda, the woman who ruled over my heart soul and my life. She wrapped her around my neck and rested her forehead over mine. All I could see in her eyes was love and it melted me from the inside. I held onto her until it was time for us to land in LA where we first got her checked in a hospital for everything while the plane refiled. Six hours later we were back at the airport straight from the hospital. She was well and only when the doctor confirmed it I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You will come back, right?" I asked holding her within small addictive kisses. I was letting her go and it was difficult, more than any other time. This time she was taking the whole of me and I was willingly giving her my everything because I wanted her to come to me and drown me in her sea of love. I would do everything to keep her happy and if I couldn't then my life wasn't worth living. If a tear of unhappiness lurked in her eyes because of me I would rather die than hurt her.

"I will, your love will bring me to you at all cost, Aaron. There is no one but only you for me and forever," as the words left her lips touched mine and everything was lost for me. It was heaven with her lips on mine. It felt like I was high on drugs. With the movement of her lips, I was reaching for the high levels of ecstasy. Every inch of body was electrified. I felt her in me and everywhere. She was in my mind, my heart, my soul and each pore of mine. I could feel her not only kissing me but kissing my soul. It was everything I had never imagined, passionate, electrifying and soul-shattering. Her taste was sweeter than nectar and more than the feeling of nirvana. When we came up for air, I didn't let her go but pulled her into me as much as I could. I wanted our bodies entwined to one and become one.

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