Thomas "Neo" Anderson

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Xia's one and only friend in school was a jet black haired dark brown eyed boy named Thomas Anderson who she affectionately called Neo they both were quiet, shy people who kept to themselves she told him everything well ALMOST everything she kept her dreams of The Matrix to herself but told him about her mothers "training".... they have been friends since preschool but moved apart yet kept in touch as adults they even went to different colleges when they had classes together they sat beside one another they even ate lunch together but went on separate buses for they lived in separate parts of town.... well he lived in the city she lived just outside of it.... "alright city boy!"  Xia teases him he laughs softly as they walk to class he hugs her shoulder and she turns her head and smiles back.... many people thought that they were a couple for many of their school years.... today they graduate from that school "I'll miss you to Xi he tells her she laughs "is it really so hard for you to put one more letter at the end of my name and actually finish it Neo?!"  he replies laughing "yes!"  she shakes her head still smiling "come on... we're going to be late.... no passing by the janitors closet though.... there are enough rumors flying about without....!"  his laughter grows louder then he says with a smile "though I do like you.... I have no such plans!"  she sighs with relief and keeping her teasing tone replies "thank the stars!"  he chuckles and lightly pushes her shoulder her body moves to the side "oh gee thanks!"  Neo says smiling she winks at him and he laughs.....

Neo has never been to her house but she has been to his many times his parents loved her treated her as one of her own Neo was like a brother to Xia and she was like a sister to him she kept him away from her parents in fear of what they might do to him she didn't want her mother turning him into a "test" or someone to train with she was close to Neo but she could never see him in that way they did just about everything together when they were grouped up in school she was always in his group, studied for tests and such she would sometimes get on the wrong bus.... his bus.... when she first started doing that she would get in trouble but after a few months of it continuing the bus driver just started to let it slide especially after he found out who her parents were.... she started doing that around 4th or 5th grade....  as kids his parents would take them to the park, they spent time in the arcade  did just about everything people their age did throughout the years.... Xia found that she didn't like the city but that is where Neo lived so that is where she went....

Graduation was no different Xia's parents came and saw her get her diploma but then left Neo and his parents took her out for a celebratory dinner they laughed and chatted throughout the entire dinner then Neo's parents took her home

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Graduation was no different Xia's parents came and saw her get her diploma but then left Neo and his parents took her out for a celebratory dinner they laughed and chatted throughout the entire dinner then Neo's parents took her home.... it was the first time Neo had ever seen it.... though Xia wouldn't let him walk her to the front door he still opened to car door for her she hugged him then walked toward then into her house they didn't see each other for a few years after that day but wrote to one another every month and Skyped just about every week.... when they weren't busy with classes, homework and work

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