💪 Brave New World🌎

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Smith and Neo charge after one another and the final battle begins they both clear their minds of everything around them but one another Trinity can't move but Xia walks through then behind the clones so that she doesn't have to watch the man she loves and her best friend who she considers a brother try to kill each other again the clones make a path so that she can go through then close the gap and go back to watching she hears Smith crash into the pavement of the large street and quickly spins around worriedly then she feels even heavier drops of water fall on top of her as the two men fly and fall still fighting one another while they spin in the air.... Neo gets thrown into a building and Smith flies in after him no one sees what happens when they both are in the building though they hear Smith holler "I LOVE her!!.... I would NEVER hurt her!!"  and Neo reply "you think this doesn't hurt her!?!.... ANY of it!!.... you're WRONG Smith!!.... ALL OF THIS hurts her!!.... she doesn't have to SEE it!!.... she can FEEL it!!.... it's something that she's always has been able to do!"  much to Neo's surprise Smith's wall breaks but just one brick as a pained expression shows upon his face but the fight inside the building continues on.... Trinity feels a drop of blood fall from her mouth Xia squeezes her hand and says in a soft reassuring voice "it's okay!.... he will be ok!"  then Xia hears Smith say "can you feel it Mr. Anderson? closing in on you? oh I can I really should thank you for it after all it was your life that taught me the purpose of all life the purpose of life is to end"....

Xia whispers to herself in a voice so low that no one hears it over the pouring rain "is that what he believes!?!"  she takes Trinity's and and says "come on!.... the other side!"  they run through the building and out the back door to another road.... or the same road who's to say.... where the fight continues "hell we probably could have stayed over there!"  Xia says and Trinity chuckles Xia laughs along with her there is more fighting up in the stormy sky and now there is lightning as well flashing around the two men as the fight and swirl around one another one more globe of water sprays everywhere and Neo once again falls but this time Smith is holding him down so that he can't move as they fall at an alarming speed still holding on to Trinity's hand Xia rushes over to where Neo falls they make it over to the now giant hole in the ground after all the debris flies.... which they end up dodging as they run.... then she let's her go of her hand both women look down at the men they love as the other Smith's walk over and join them to watch what happens now.... Neo is laying flat on the ground with Smith standing over him Xia starts to slowly and carefully climb down into the hole surprisingly unnoticed by everyone.... Trinity once again can't move.... Neo wakes up then slowly turns his body around "why Mr. Anderson? why why why? why do you do it? why? why get up? why keep fighting? do you believe you're fighting for something? for more than your survival? can you tell me what it is? do you even know? is it freedom or truth? perhaps peace? could it be for love? illusions Mr. Anderson vagaries of perception temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose and all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love....."  Smith asks Xia walks up to him and asks "do you!?!"  Smith looks up at her in shock as she helps Neo up then asks "do you know why you fight "Mr"  Smith!?! why you made so many copies of yourself!?! why you destroy the only world you've ever known!?! why you do ANY of this!?!.... and don't tell me that it's all for me!.... I never wanted this!.... perhaps your not as free as you believe!.... you may not be an Agent anymore.... but you are still "just a program"!.... a farce!.... a fake!.... not real!... nothing about you is true!!.... I should have realized it sooner!.... then I never would have....!! I'm glad to know that even when yours wasn't real mine was.... how could I have been so STUPID!?!.... to think that....!"  she touches her stomach but says nothing else Neo cups his hand under his chin "I understand now Neo.... your connection to him.... my connection to the two of you!.... Xia.... Zion.... the only question left is.... am I to live.... or die!?!.... don't you see Neo.... I AM Zion!.... your world!.... your home!.... it's up to you Neo.... do I live.... or do I die!?!"  she asks then she walks away from the two men but stays in the hole Smith looks at her still in shock then walks over to her and whispers sadly "no no no my love!.... I'm just.... angry!.... I don't mean any of those things when it comes to you!"  Xia scoffs as he reaches her and reaches for her she moves her body away from his reach then asks with a dark sarcastic bite in her tone "oh.... just for everyone else huh!?!.... and I didn't realize that programs FELT "anger"!!.... I guess I should have known that they didn't feel LOVE either!!.... after all "it is only a word"!.... it's meaningless and "without purpose"!.... we GIVE it MEANING we GIVE it PURPOSE we MAKE it into something that matters!!"  she starts to feel pain in her stomach as she speaks "but I suppose that doesn't matter!.... just like the rest of it huh!?!"  she says painfully "Xia!!"  Smith whispers "go ahead!.... kill each other!.... why should any of us care!?!.... after all it's meaningless.... right!?!.... life, love.... ALL of it!!.... all that counts now is death!.... I suspect THAT has meaning and purpose!!.... the only ones left.... your the one who can "see it all"!.... "know it all"!.... how do you know that what you saw isn't just them playing with you!?!.... showing you what you WANT to see!!.... just because you see it one way doesn't mean that it's going to happen that way!.... there are many different roads Smith!.... many different paths but you are blinded by the one THEY showed you the one THEY want you to see and believe in!!.... this is THEIR purpose.... not yours!.... the difference between you and Neo is that he is free willed!.... makes his own choices!.... you are still stuck living by their choices for you!.... the only reason I was allowed.... is because they didn't know about me!.... don't you remember!?!.... the Agent's.... they disconnected themselves from the programming when I came into the Agency!.... when I was placed in your home!.... they worked with my father to make it show that my mother lived with you instead!.... that is why she was there that day!.... they worked their way around the programming!.... especially since I don't have a programmed body!.... what you see here.... is ME!!.... ALL of ME!!.... nothing fake!.... nothing controlled!.... my life!.... my choices!.... my RULES!!"  she pushes Smith away from her with all the strength she could muster and he goes flying backwards into Neo who falls back down once again "so finish what you came here to do SMITH!!.... but don't expect me to be waiting for you if you survive!"  she says with narrowed eyes that were directed at the man she loves who just so happens to be breaking her heart....

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