Never Send A Human To Do A Machines Job

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Xia and Agent Smith somehow made it into his bedroom without letting one another go.... Xia feel softly backwards onto his bed with his lips still pressed up against hers his tongue halfway in her mouth as it moved around exploring every inch of her lips, over and under her tongue inside the top of her mouth which tickled just a little and made her body quiver his hands cupped her breasts as she moved her lips over to his ear kissing each part of him along the way all the way up his earlobe where she started to nibble lightly his body quivered excitedly and he moans deeply at the feeling of her teeth on his ear and her warm soft breath gently blowing against his hair as she moved back down playfully biting his lower lip looking into his eyes as she heads down to his neck she nibbles and kisses his neck gently then her lips moved down along with her hand to his chest as she kept nibbling and kissing eat part of it his body arched at the shear pleasure of the feeling and he moans deeply once more she smiles at the feeling of his body arching closer to her her teeth lightly clinging onto his nipple after awhile he cups his finger under her chin bringing her lips back up to his he kisses her and whispers in a seductive manner which with his deep monotoned drawl made her body tingle at the sound "my turn!"  then his lips copy what her lips did on his body nibbling her ear, lips, neck, breasts and that is what makes her body arch his teeth playfully nibbling and sucking upon each area of her body but most of all her breasts he leaves light "love marks" on some parts of her body but not too many and not to dark..... a light pink perhaps.... her soft sensual moans excite him as he continues they go like this back and forth till they fall asleep in each others arms.....

Agent Smith is the first to wake up he watches Xia sleep peacefully with a smile on her face and brushes a hair away from her closed eyes with a gentle finger her eyes blink awake and she whispers "Smith!!"  in a soft alluring tone he smiles at her he likes it when she says his name without "Agent" in front of it she chuckles then says with a smile "then I promise.... to only use the word "Agent" when I am mad at you... or you do something I don't like!"  he smiles and replies "then I shall try to not make you angry or do anything you don't like!"  she smiles knowing full well that that is impossible "I know!"  he says with a frown she places his earpiece gently back in his ear "I would like to.... wake up with you again by your side everyday!"  he says softly her smile brightens and he smiles back then he gets up and gets ready to head to the office.....

Xia was there in the office when Agent Smith returned to it covered in dust and who knows what else after retrieving Morpheus his eyes widen in shock when he sees her and she teases with a playful smile "well this is a new look for you!"  he walks over to her and says in a low voice "you shouldn't be here!"  though on the inside he was smiling and happy to see her "I know.... I just....!"  she says and he kisses her sharing the dust that was all over him with her "oh good.... now we match!"  she teases and he chuckles then he heads off to interrogate Morpheus..... "have you ever stood and stared at it..... marveled at it's beauty...."  Agent Smith's thoughts once again went it Xia as he spoke the word "beauty" to the half unconscious Morpheus "it's genius? billions of people just living out their lives.... oblivious did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world where none suffered where everyone would be happy? it was a disaster no one would except the program entire crops were lost some believe we lacked the programming knowledge to describe your perfect world but I believe that as a species human beings define their reality through misery and suffering so the perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this.... the peak of your civilization I say YOUR civilization.... because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization which is of course what this is all about evolution Morpheus evolution like the dinosaur look out that window you had your time the future is our world Morpheus the future is our time"  Agent Jones walks in and interrupts the interrogation by saying "there could be a problem" ....

Xia walks around the agency she was reading mixed emotions from Agent Smith as he talked to the ever silent Morpheus..... he wanted his freedom, wanted to be with her, have the connection she talked about in a deeper way than they already had.... they didn't "completely connect" just yet.... to do that he has to enter her "make love" to her.... in other words.... sex.... intercourse.... well you get the idea I'm sure.... his fingers didn't even enter her they never went past her hips nor did his lips.... he wanted to wait..... wanted to be completely free of his chains not just halfway.... but he had to "play his part" when the other Agents were around he didn't want her to form a distraction he had figured that one would come on it's own in the form of a friend of hers and he was right but just not at this particular moment

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