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 Kaya had a feeling that something was going to happen that day

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Kaya had a feeling that something was going to happen that day. She felt it when she woke up one morning feeling anxious, her stomach unsettled and her mind muddled, and immediately knew that the day wasn't going to go normally. A typical Saturday, Kaya's plans after waking up were to get coffee, update her resume, look for some jobs, and clean up her house. Simple. She'd done it every Saturday for the past month.

Her phone rang, its ringtone annoying her to no end.

"What?" she asked, forgoing a greeting.

"Morning to you too, grumpy," said Olivia, laughing. "I was calling to see if you were up for a shopping trip."

Kaya groaned. Plans ruined already. A shopping trip with Olivia could last for hours at a time, and if Lauren was joining, then the girls wouldn't be back home until at least midnight. Kaya didn't want to go.

"Please?" Olivia said, begging over the phone. "I'm just looking. Me and Lauren's anniversary is coming up and I wanted to see if I could find some lingerie for her."

At that, Kaya smiled. The two women were adorable and spoiled each other to no end. Kaya could only wonder what they would do on their anniversary, as the two were always busy with their own lives. Olivia's birthday was the next day and she knew that Lauren had planned a roadtrip for the two of them that would last until the end of the next week. Olivia continued to beg over the phone and Kaya finally gave in, a reluctant smile on her face.

"Fine," she said. "But give me an hour. I need to wake up."

"Of course!" Olivia said, excitement in her voice. Then she hung up and Kaya drug herself out of bed. Looking at the clock, she groaned. It was seven a.m.

"Don't you think this is cute?" Olivia said, waltzing out of the dressing room.

Kaya was glad that Olivia had the confidence of a Victoria's Secret model, but after seeing Olivia try on fifteen different pieces of lingerie, she was ready to leave. Of course, she didn't rush her friend because that would be rude, but shopping for lingerie wasn't high on her list of things that she wanted to be doing. At least, not at this moment.

"It looks great," Kaya said, giving a tired smile. "But I like the one before it better. Didn't you say that Lauren liked when you were lace?"

Olivia beamed. "I did! I was thinking the same thing, but I wanted to see if I would like this one any more than I did that one. Obviously, we have a winner." Olivia walked back into the dressing room and Kaya went back to her phone, looking up jobs both in and out of the area. There was nothing available in Layton unless she wanted to work at the grocery store or the local fast food joint, so she looked for jobs in Gainey. There were a few more desirable jobs there, so she just scrolled and clicked if she thought something sounded good.

"That was exhausting," Olivia said, sitting beside Kaya and making the woman jump. Olivia had already bought the lingerie without Kaya realizing. Looking in the bag, she saw that Olivia had bought three other sets. "Are you sure that you don't want to buy some lingerie? Maybe for a special someone?"

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