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 "What are you doing for New Year's?" Olivia asked, taking a swig of her wine

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"What are you doing for New Year's?" Olivia asked, taking a swig of her wine. She and Lauren had come home to celebrate Thanksgiving with Olivia's family and were staying into the new year. The two had rented a room at the local hotel. Olivia always had a hard time during Thanksgiving—it was when she came out to her mother and her mother stopped talking to her. Her parents were still married, though, and Olivia still loved her family. In turn, the Jones' accepted Lauren like their own, even if Mrs. Jones didn't talk to either of them.

Kaya shrugged, fighting a yawn. Julian, Ximena, and Santiago had been living with her for four months now and Kaya was still struggling to get used to the lack of privacy that now existed in the home. Julian always woke up early to go to the gym and get to work by seven, Ximena woke up at five to get ready for school and make breakfast for Santiago, and each one of the tenants were loud, so her sleep suffered.

There had been times where she ended up sleeping in a spare room in her office or in Ty's bedroom when he wasn't there, which wasn't often. He had given her a key to his place the day before Thanksgiving (when Kaya revealed that to Lauren and Olivia the former's squeal was so high-pitched a dog nearby started barking and the latter just sighed), and she knew that sooner or later she'd be fed up with it.

"Probably working," Kaya said. Working freelance meant various jobs throughout the year and, while sometimes she had slow business, holidays were the busiest time. People wanted well-edited videos of themselves saying "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!" or trying to up their content before they took a break. That, in turn, meant that Kaya was under strict deadlines and a break for her wasn't an option.

"Lame," Olivia said, taking a swig of beer, "but I understand. You really should take a break, though, or you'll burn out."

Kaya gave a small smile. "That won't happen," she said. "After this last batch, I'm finished. I'm sending it out on New Year's Eve and then taking a break for the rest of the week."

Olivia nodded. The three had decided to get together while the couple was still home—they were leaving on New Year's day—and catch up in person, so Kaya's life became temporarily peaceful because she was spending the night at the hotel that Olivia had rented in Layton. While she still had to work, she'd had more peace in those few days than she'd had for a while.

"Well," Lauren butted in, who walked into the room wearing just a robe and sat on Olivia's lap, "you should just come to our party and hang out. It's guaranteed to be pretty chill. We'll just do the countdown and drink some cocktails. A few of my friends from Gainey will be coming and I invited Julian and Ty."

Kaya thought about it. It would be fun just hanging out and drinking with her friends, but it would also be her first time off in a long while and she just wanted to enjoy it. It'd be nice to just relax. And Ty had already offered up his place for her to stay since he'd already made plans to hang out with some friends that went to Haven University and wouldn't be back for the night.

"I think I'll pass," Kaya said. "I know it sounds horrible, but I want to bring in the New Year by myself."

Lauren pouted but Olivia nodded, understanding.

"Just know that you're still invited," Olivia said. "And you should see us before we leave."

Kaya smiled and nodded.

"Babe, are you sure that you'll be fine alone?" Ty asked, his face skeptical. He was already turning a bit red from his pregame, Kaya noticed, and his words were starting to slur. She was glad that he wasn't driving to Haven U.

"Of course," she said. "I have your huge TV to keep me company and you still have leftovers if I get hungry." She punched her shoulder. "Don't worry about me, you big idiot, and go party."

Ty cocked his head to the side. He was debating, she knew. Wondering if he should stay in with her and bring in the New Year or still go out with his friends.

Kaya hated that. For some reason, her friends were treating her as if she were fragile and would break easily. She was just tired and ready for some rest after a hectic season of work. There was nothing wrong with her that sleep and being lazy couldn't fix. Despite their worries, she wasn't a workaholic and the stress that she was going through wasn't going to last long. Julian had been looking at an apartment in Gainey and Ximena and Santiago could take care of themselves for the time being.

"Your friends are waiting for you," Kaya reminded him, gently pushing him out the door. "And really, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" he asked again.

"Yes," Kaya said.

He paused, his face momentarily more serious than she'd ever seen it. It brought to mind that, all those months ago, she and Ty were supposed to talk but never got the chance to. The two of them got so busy after that it was hard to do anything more than text each other, and the two of them knew that talking over text wasn't a good idea. Then he sighed, shaking his head, and leaned in for a hug. Kaya hugged him and relaxed a bit as the scent of his cologne washed over her. Then she noticed that their hug was almost a little bit too long and she leaned back, her heart racing so hard she felt like Ty could hear it.

"Now go," she said. "Have fun."

Ty's mouth lifted into a little smile and he squeezed her a little bit.

"Alright," he said. He let go of her and started walking down the hall. Kaya watched until he turned the corner and then closed his door, locking it. Right as she turned away from the door, Ty unlocked the door and walked right back in, his face as determined as Kaya had ever seen it.

"I'm going to do this before I lose my resolve," he said. He stopped right in front of her, almost close enough for their bodies to touch.


"I'm in love with you, Kaya Perry." And then he kissed her.

Surprised, Kaya was still with shock before she returned the kiss. Distantly, she remembered that Ty tasted the same as he did back on prom night—like the spearmint that he always chewed—and she was enveloped in the smell of his cologne. His lips were just as soft, and just as eager, as the night he had kissed her, so long ago.

She vaguely noticed that he was walking her back to his room, ripping off his jacket and tugging at her shirt. When they finally got to his room, he slammed the door shut.

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