The Vandal [S1:E13]

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| November 3 | Friday |

Angry. That's how I felt. Or more accurately, I felt... livid, on top of disgusted and upset. The fact that someone had did this made a bad taste linger in my mouth. It made me wonder what me, or any of my friends, had done to deserve this.

Sara joined me and Quinton back outside the front of Jinx with a bucket of soap water and two rags. I took both of them from her.

"Go inside and start on the opening work," I ordered. "Once we clean the windows we'll join you."

Sara just nodded with a sad expression.

I threw a rag over to Quinton before dipping my own into the water, ringing it out with a death grip.

I started on the word, DYKES. My anger and frustration helped me scrub away the vandalism that had been left for us to see. The worst part about this was that these words had obviously been written last night, so anyone that had passed earlier today had seen this.

And the thought of calling Danna and telling her someone had written derogative words on the front of her bar infuriated me.

"Who the hell would do this?" Quinton asked. The defeat in his tone made my heart ache.

"I don't know."

But I did know. For some reason, my gut was telling me Andy. I know I had written him a message on his truck, and he probably still firmly believed it was me. This could be his payback.

But if it had been him, he had taken it to a whole different level.

Once I was done with my word, I moved over to FAGGOTS, which had been painted bigger than the rest of them. Quinton was only half-way through.

"I just don't get it..." he said. "What did we do? What did we do to be humiliated like this? When all we want is to love."

Soap water began to splash onto my face as my anger increased. As I forcefully scrubbed, I couldn't help but come up short. I had no answer to Quinton's question.

"You know, I heard AJ's is losing business," he continued. "And that he's blaming it on us."

I shook my head. "How are we affecting his business?"

"Because we're an LGBT bar, and dirtying up the place or some shit."

"Oh, it couldn't be because his bar sucks just like him."

The more we talked the more I couldn't ignore that this had Andy written all over it. And if that was the case, what was his end goal? Was he going to go to more extensive measures? Was he trying to scare us away?

I continued to scrub away the hate, but the humiliation would stay with me for the rest of the day.

But people like me have been through much worse. So, if whoever did this thought we could be scared away that easily, they had another thing coming.

* * *

After calling Danna and explaining what had happened, she had sounded upset, but not surprised. I wondered if she had experienced something similar when she had opened the first Jinx back in Baldwin.

"I could always install security cameras," she had said.

"Yeah," I agreed. "But that doesn't mean it'll prevent it from happening again."

There was a pause.

"Sam, unfortunately, we can do nothing about it."

But I thought that was bullshit. We didn't deserve that, Danna didn't deserve that and Jinx sure as hell didn't either! But as much as I wanted to do something about it, I knew there was nothing I could do. At least not without proof.

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