The Breakdown [S2:E18]

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| May 12 | Saturday Morning |

~ Sam's POV ~

"I'm gonna be late if I don't leave now." Megan hurried from one room to another, desperately trying to get to her graduation on time. "Where are my keys?"

She looked stunning, as usual. Her black dress hugged her curves in all the right places. It was difficult containing myself and not bringing her right back to the bedroom. But we had plenty of time to celebrate her graduation later, if you know what I mean.

"Okay, keys, phone, cap, gown..." She looked at me. "I'm leaving."

I gave her a quick kiss. "I'll see you soon. I just have to pick up Blair and Tony."

"My mom and dad are going to meet you there," she informed. "I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too."

Then she was out the door.

Today was graduation day. The day both of us had been looking forward to for so long.

I primped myself in the mirror one last time, straightening my own dress and ruffling my hair in the process. After, we would grab lunch and then head over to Jinx to celebrate.

I picked up Blair and Tony then made my way to where the ceremony would be held. The day was beautiful, and I was sure nothing was going to ruin it. I would make sure of it.

"God, I'm so jealous," Blair said. "I can't wait to graduate."

"Adulting sucks," Tony included.

"I second," I added.

"I'm not saying it won't suck." Blair sighed. "It'll just be a change of pace."

We pulled up into the parking lot and hurried to the building. I hoped Megan's mom and dad would be there waiting. I wanted to get a good seat.

Luckily, they were both already there when we showed, which made everything go a lot smoother than anticipated. We filed inside and found our seats.

"This is really nice," Beth said.

"It is," I agreed.

Blair sat on my left, and Beth to my right. Megan's dad was on the other side of Megan's mom. I wondered if it was weird for them to be in the same place ever since the divorce, but they seemed not to mind.

The ceremony music started at the students began to file in. I felt my eyes searching for Megan, eagerly awaiting to see her. Then, when she finally appeared, I felt my heart throb in my chest. She looked so good.

Her eyes found mine and she flashed me a smile. I couldn't help but feel my face heat up.

Once the process started, I found it hard to pay attention. We would have to sit through a lot of speeches, so I decided to make use of the time.

I leaned into Blair. "Shawn and Casey called me the other day."

"Oh yeah?"

"They have a job offer for me."

The information must've shocked Blair, because she didn't respond right away. I looked over and saw an expression I couldn't read. Was she upset?

"What kind of job?" she finally asked.

"A venue manager," I informed.

"As in, like, a music venue?"


"Would the pay be better?"

"Yeah." I recalled the few detailed Shawn and Casey had told me. "It would be a lot better, actually."

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