Happy Thanksgiving [S1:E15]

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| November 23 | Thursday |

"Are you sure you wanna go?" I asked Megan. "I'm sure mom and dad-"

"Samantha," Megan stated. "We are going to your parents' for lunch. End of discussion."

I groaned. Okay, it's not that I didn't want to go to my childhood home. That wasn't the case. It was just, when Megan and I had gone last year for Thanksgiving, things had been different. More low-key. This year, the extended family was going to be there, including my snobby cousins, bitchy aunt Monique and creepy uncle Harold.

Charlie jumped against my leg in angst, sensing Megan and I were about to leave.

I picked her up.

"Charlie doesn't want us to go," I claimed.

"Then she can come with us," Megan countered.

I rolled my eyes.

"I just can't win," I said to Charlie.

"That's right." Megan grabbed her purse. "Will your mom and dad be okay with us bringing her?"

"Mom will be too distracted with appeasing her stuck-up sister." I sighed. "The last thing she'll be worried about is our dog."

"Alright, well..." Megan looked around one last time. "We should go if we don't want to be late."

"Right," I agreed. "The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave."

Megan just rolled her eyes in response.

I followed her out of our apartment and grabbed Charlie's leash and a chew-toy to entertain her on the way. Honestly, I was glad we were bringing her, because if I was too busy attending to my puppy, I wouldn't have time to associate with my too-good-for-you cousins and my very conservative aunt.

Megan had no idea what she was in for.

But overall, I was just nervous because this was the first holiday Megan and I would spend together as a couple around people who weren't aware I was dating a woman. At least, they weren't aware yet.

Because in a few hours, when we stepped into my childhood home hand-in-hand, that would change.

I set Charlie in the backseat on a blanket as Megan hopped into the driver's seat of her car. I joined her in the passenger once the dog was settled in.

Once we were well on our way, Megan looked at me.

"Why are you so nervous for me to meet your extended family?" she asked.

"Because I have a tendency to want to protect you from evil and all that."

She laughed. "What? Are they gonna chase me out with pitchforks and torches?"

I contemplated. "My aunt might."

Megan let out an exasperated sigh. "Well, if you're so worried, we can skip the introductions-"

"Oh, hell no," I defended. "I did not go through hell and back for you just to let people assume you're just a friend."

That's when her hand slipped into mine.

"There's the fearless Sam I fell in love with," she teased.

The trip to my house wasn't long enough. I had hoped we'd hit some Thanksgiving Day traffic that would prolong the inevitable, but unfortunately, we hadn't. Now, we were pulling down my street and I could see the congregation of cars in the near distance.

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