Season 4: Episode 2

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| March 22nd | Friday Afternoon |

~ Megan's POV ~

As I sat at my desk, I listened to my class scribble away on their end-of-the-week quiz. It wasn't much. Just a little something I had come up with to gage where we were as a class after Spring break. My eyes quickly scanned the room.

Sara seemed to be finished already as her head was now resting in her arms, her face turned to me. When she caught my gaze, she smiled. I smiled back. Eli was nearly done. Actually, it looked as if most of them were done and just waiting for me to announce it was time to get ready to leave for the day.

That's when I heard quiet whispering. My eyes switched to Ashton and Ava who were silently talking to each other.

"Girls," I warned.

Ashton and Ava fell silent as Ashton hesitantly flipped her quiz over and threw Ava a sorry look. I didn't want to believe that they had been attempting to cheat, but by the looks of it, that's exactly what they were trying to do. Ava buried her nose back into her quiz she seemed to be struggling with.

I made notes in my grade book as I realized Ava hadn't completed any homework this week. It was disappointing, but not unfamiliar. I had sent notes home with her, but doubted if Lisa, her guardian, had even looked at them, much less taken them into consideration. It was clear the girl needed help, perhaps a tutor or something, but the hope that Lisa would provide was far-fetched. The frustration overcame me.

After checking the time, I realized we only had a few minutes until the dismissal bell. Ava still wasn't finished with her quiz. She was the only one.

"Ava," I called out.

She self-consciously looked up and my heart stretched.

"Are you almost finished with your quiz?"

"Y-Yes ma'am," she stuttered.

I watched her stare at the questions with a strained look on her face before inevitably guessing and flipping the quiz over on her desk. The she buried her head in her folded arms.

"Can the desk leaders collect everyone's test – face down – and bring them to me, please?" I asked. "The rest of you may start packing up to leave."

The room was now loud with the bustling of movement as students readied to head home for the weekend. I accepted the quizzes and thanked my students before readying to escort them out.

I was on carpool duty today, which meant standing outside in the growing Florida heat while I waited for the kids to be picked up. Most days I didn't mind, especially since Ava was getting picked up on time now. After dropping off my bus riders, I headed to the carpool area.

Students trickled away as I directed them into their designated cars. Some of them told me bye, some told me to have a good weekend. It warmed my heart knowing a lot of these students not only looked up to me but felt a trusting connection.

Eventually it was me and two more students. Ava, and a little boy from Ethan's class that I couldn't quite remember what his name was. Then, a car approached the line as the little boy grew excited. He jumped in the car and told us goodbye. Then, it was just two.

Lisa had been on time for months. It was strange now for her to be late. I walked over to Ava who was distracting herself with another book I had allowed her to borrow from my classroom selection.

"How are you liking the book?" I asked as I sat next to her.

She looked up at me through the tangles in her long brown hair. Those eyes only ever really lit up when she was talking to me or reading a book. Of course, she had also come out of her shell quite a bit this year. She participated more in class and seemed to be making friends now.

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