Chapter 107-Unexpected Aid

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Welcome to Nylians, Jeff_willey, and Mangaanimecrazy!

"Free at laaaaaast....." The dragon whispered as its body collapsed unable to bear the loss of its soul and the rocks from above. As the life left its eyes it opened its mouth one last time and shot out a blast of flame hotter than magma!


The energy cleared a small channel through the rock all the way to the surface of the Hellhole!

"Go! I have imbued all the energy in my heart to you in this moment. Take me to see the sky again!" The dragon said and then fell silent. Lineir shivered as he felt a great heat rise up in him. His heartbeat increased two, three, four times its normal rate and his body came alive with seemingly boundless infinite energy!

"Let's go!!!!"

From his back his fire Qi wings came again except this time there were strange dragon bones growing amidst the flames. He knelt down and flapped his wings once while exploding with all his strength.


There was a whoosh and Lineir entered the rapidly closing channel, leaving the lava lake and the dragon's body far behind.


As Lineir ascended out of the Hellhole the sounds of the Hellhole collapsing mixed up with the sounds of a great battle being fought on the surface! Within a few minutes he was out due to his new wings which were many times faster than his old ones.

"BLADELORD!!!! You still live?? And more even dare show your face in the same skies as us Heavens?!" An astounded voice came with all the majesty of a son of the Heavens. In the sky a huge cohort of angels and numerous Heavenly servants encompassed nigh the entire world. Dahn stood alone amidst a world of revolving blades with an ugly expression on his face. He was facing an impressively arrayed army of angels which was constantly reinforced by numerous white portals which appeared with increasing frequency. At the head of the army was a man arrayed in pure silver armor lined with white jade gold. He had flowing blond hair and a perfect face which woman could not help but love or envy.

"Damnit....Mizuchi! I told those bastards that I was not to be exposed!" Dahn thundered in a rage. Mizuchi simply giggled.

"That's your problem not mine." And Dahn didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Had she planned this? It was impossible to tell whether this was by design of if Fate itself was merely broken.

"Bladelord...I don't know how you survived, and even more so, how you still have the guts to attack a Heavenly Writ with your condition. But you will not be leaving here today...25th Imperial Army seize him!" Suddenly the perfect commander of the angels ordered the attack and immediately the entire army launched a salvo at Dahn's Bladeworld. An infinite number of light based attacks, massive swords, spears, even shield techniques were sent Dahn's way. With an exceedingly ugly expression Dahn began his elaborate blade dance once more. However, he avoided sending attacks directly at the army focused on defense instead.

"I can't attack. If those dogs of the Heavens learn that I've recovered they'll never stop hunting me down." Dahn cursed. While he could defend easily for now, the portals were spewing out an ever increasing number of angels and their servants.

"Ugh, they already know about me. I'll grab that kid and escape." Dahn was about to tear a hole in the dimensions and leave when his expression got even uglier. The commander of the cohort raised a strange hourglass in his hand.

"Hah, Bladelord, you're too late. After what you did to the 19th Imperial Army, all Imperial Army commanders carry space time sealing treasures. You could have escaped while I was setting it up, but now....there will be no escape!" The angelic commander poured his Qi into the hourglass.

Heaven's Lock Trueglass!

Instantly a strange pulse of light flashed and space time was disrupted around the area. All the spacial transmissions out would be disrupted and even Dahn would need a small amount of time uninterrupted to figure out how to escape the area. However, how could the 25th Imperial Army be so lax as to give him the time to figure it out. Additionally, only transmissions out were interrupted, numerous reinforcements were still teleporting in. With the Bladelord trapped, Lineir could only watch from below as the Heavens brought forth their imperial might once again!

"Come now Bladelord, what will you do? You cannot escape, and with the state your body is in, one Imperial Army is more than enough to handle you. We are many and you are but one. Surrender now and we will grant you the dignity of a proper trial!" The commander said majestically as if he was granting Dahn a favor. 

"Kid, do you have any way to contact that idiotic Solar Moron or The Lord?" Dahn sent a transmission over to Lineir though he already suspected what the answer would be. Lineir considered,

"Hold on, I will ask Mizuchi." He said. "Mizuchi, can you contact your master? We are in quite a bind and really...he should take responsibility..." Lineir tried to avoid implying it was her fault that this was all happening. 

"Meh, the Bladelord's just looking for an easy way out. Ignore him, some angel bugs are not worth bothering my master for." Mizuchi said. Lineir could only relay her message to Dahn.

"I'm afraid there is no way." He said and Dahn didn't know whether to laugh or cry. 

"That damn Mizuchi. Trying to force me to take a side. I should have known this wouldn't be easy. Eons spent in seclusion wasted. Remember this kid, once I reveal my hand, there will be no hiding. Even if I manage to eradicate every remnant of this army here, the Heaven's will investigate and may even discover your connection to me. At that time, you will never be safe living under the same sky! I hope you are ready to live your life on the run!" Dahn issued a stern warning as he prepared to release the limits on his strength. As the infinite sword domain began to revolve furiously and nine blades appeared circling around Dahn in a spectacular wheel, the commander of the angels cocked an eye.

"Really? You choose to fight though it's hopeless? Typical mortal, the Heaven's will is almighty! I gave you a choice, so don't blame me for what happens next. All forces! Capture him alive, we will bring him back to the capital and string him up like the dog he is!" He ordered. As the angels were about to attack however something strange happened.


A massive tri-bladed halberd hundreds of meters long suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the sky. It tore through the sky and ripped a huge tear in the void. From this rip came an ancient voice filled with the confidence of the ages,

"'ve kept your word. Leave this to us, the Old Guard! Villainous Heavens, if you wish to ignore the Hells and continue to suppress humanity then the pact is mute and we shall not tolerate your interference in this territory!"

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