Chapter 119-Star Stream Lake Pt.8

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Surprise! I'm not told me I was flying out to NYC in the morn last week. Haven't had any time to write. And so...the show goes on!


Lineir pulled himself up from the snow once he was assured the Jin Clansmen wouldn't be coming back. He made sure that his robes were completely clean of the scent of the explosions from earlier, even going so far as to rub snow on them and then steam off the water with a flash of fire Qi.


His robes clean, he walked forwards and followed the tracks deeper into the mountain pass. Eventually, he came to one of many twists and turns which forked into separate paths. Beneath the white tipped mountain tops Lineir pondered his options.

"I could follow them down and tail them. Look for a chance to ambush them. But I imagine they came prepared. Alternatively I can take my own path to the Proving Grounds and leave it to Fate. Mmmm...." He thought it over and Mei stayed silent letting Lineir make his own choices. Eventually he decided,

"I'll leave it to Fate. My knowledge of the Snowfall Mountains is probably better since I can follow the Snow Empress's route, it'd be a joke if I couldn't beat them to the punch. If we meet at the end somehow though..." He revealed a familiar grin. "I wouldn't mind teaching the Jin Clan a lesson in Miss Wei's place!"

And like that the race was on!

Tac Tac Tac!!!

Every step he took Lineir exerted his whole strength to fly many meters through the sky before landing. He was vaguely familiar with most of the monsters in the area from the Snow Empress's description and was confident that provided he avoided a few freakishly strong beasts in Snowfall Mountain, he should be alright. 

"Originally I planned on taking it slow and enjoying the scenery as a way to temper my Third Heart. But now that other's have obtained the location of the Proving Grounds it is only a matter of time before it is discovered. I suppose that's alright though, I've always performed my best under pressure!" Lineir felt a touch of fiery warmth in his heart which could have been the fire Qi he was constantly burning, or perhaps it was the remembrance of all the life and death situations where he had raced against those stronger and older than him. However, this time, he felt quite comfortable. Ironically he felt more comfortable here in the Higher Realms than in the Lower Realms. The reason being that the Lower Realms had begun to feel a bit small for him. Thus if he encountered an enemy it was usually something quite powerful or mysterious. This time, he was merely facing an ordinary and even subpar clan in the vast Higher Realms. He didn't have to fight Gods or Demons to find a challenge in the Higher Realms.

"I'm just one of many here...nothing special again." He chuckled as he rushed through the snow. Using his control of the Laws of Darkness he would solidify the snow beneath his feet so that he could take a solid step without sinking several meters or leaving behind a crater every time he pushed off. The spiky crags of the mountain skyline seemed to flow backwards as he rushed forwards. While he encountered some wild magical beasts such as Tier 7 Cold Fur Wolves and Tier 8 Ice Blue Foxes he rarely had to engage with them. They possessed enough intelligence to recognize that an armed cultivator who was traveling at high speeds was not to be trifled with. That was assuming Lineir wasn't actively hiding from their presence of course. 

Tac Tac Tac

His feet crunched through more and more snow until he came upon a spot with no trees or boulders in the snow. 

" trees or boulders...this is it!" He cried out and suddenly leaped into the air while unleashing his Phoenix wings!


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