Chapter 33

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Everything was happening in slow motion as I watched Roman punch Trey over and over again. His hand crashed against his face, making Trey shout in pain . I quickly try to stop Roman, but he continues to hit him. 

"Roman!" I scream his name once again. "You are going to kill him!"

He doesn't listen. He just continues to hit him until blood starts streaming out of Trey's nose. Roman instantly stops, his face turning pale as he stares at the bright red liquid. He abruptly stands up while Trey is limp against the tile floor. His face was swollen and his nose was twisted in an odd direction. I instantly kneel down and say his name, however he doesn't respond. 

"Call an ambulance," I croaked, tears falling down my face. I don't hear Roman do what I say, so I turn around. He was still staring at the blood. "Roman!" I shout and he finally looks up. "He is unconscious." 

Roman rolls his eyes. "He will be fine." 

"You don't know that!" 

Roman huffs before going behind the counter and filling a cup with water. When he returns, he stands over Trey and dumps it on him. Trey instantly opens his eyes and relief washes over me. Roman kneels down and grabs him by the shirt, forcing him to look into his eyes. 

"If you ever come near my girlfriend again, I will fucking kill you," Roman threatens, his voice laced with anger. "Now, you are going to go to the nearest hospital to get your fucked up nose fixed. If anybody asks what happened, you tell them you started a fight that you couldn't finish. Do you understand me? 

Trey doesn't say anything, so Roman grabs the collar of shirt and pulls harder. "I said, do you fucking understand me?" He sneers through gritted teeth. Trey swallows a lump in his throat and nods. "Good, now go before I change my mind of letting you walk out of here." 

Slowly, Trey manages to stumble to his feet. I try to help him, but he brushes my arm away and limps out of the coffeehouse. I sat the cold floor, feeling shocked about everything that just happened. 

"C'mon," Roman motions. I noticed his hand had scratches and it was slightly swollen. "We have shit to do."

"Do you even realize what you just did? I-I didn't think you were going to stop."

He rolls his eyes once again. "I wasn't going to fucking kill him, Elsie," he mutters. "Why are you even defending the guy? Especially after what he just fucking said to you." 

"I'm not defending him, Roman! But, you didn't have to beat him up like that!"

"What was I suppose to fucking do?" Romans scoffs. "Pull up a fucking chair and have a discussion about it?"

I shake my head in frustration. "Did you not hire his dad back like I asked?" 

"Elsie, we have to fucking go," he groans, completely ignoring my question. "Can we please talk about this in the car?" 

Shakily, I get up. "I have to finish closing," I mutter, looking around the coffeehouse. I still had to count the till and clean some dishes. 

"Fuck," he huffs, running his fingers through his hair. "Just hurry, okay? 

I don't say anything. I quickly finish my closing while Roman makes a phone call. I hoped Trey wasn't actually going to call my boss and let her know what happened. I really liked this job and I was making a decent amount of money. After I put my apron away and locked the doors, we were on our way to pick up Peter. 

"So, now will you tell me why you didn't hire his dad back?" I continue to press. I bite my lip as tears threatened to spill again. 

"I tried," he sighs. "He came to the white tower and I offered his position back. The fucking prick, however, said that he would rather live on the streets than work for me again. So, I thought, why pay for his medical bills if he doesn't even fucking care. I tried, Els. I wasn't going to lie to you." 

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