Chapter 39

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"You look beautiful."

I turn around to see Roman leaning against the doorway. I smile, smoothing down my maroon bridesmaid dress. My hair was curled and braided and I had gotten my make up done. I walk over to Roman and wrap my arms around his waist, holding him tightly.

It has been a week since Miranda and Nadia were taken away by that creature, who we learned was Dr. Spivak. Roman has been desperately searching for anything that would lead us to their location, but so far there was nothing.

"You look good," I tell him, pulling away and adjusting his necktie. "It reminds of the night of homecoming."

"We had our first kiss that night," Roman points out with a sly smirk on his face. I shake my head, smiling as I remembered the dance. "But then I got mad because you rejected me."

I smack his arm playfully. "That's because I was nervous! Plus, I hardly knew you!"

He rolls his eyes, smiling. "Oh, you knew me," he says. "You had a staring problem. I saw you at the pizza parlor, you know? We made eye contact."

"Yeah," I say, smacking my lips. "You were paying off a hooker."

Roman shrugs. "I was lonely before I met you."

"Elsie!" I hear Meredith call before she enters the room. She was in her wedding gown and she looked absolutely beautiful. "The ceremony is about to start! You need to get lined up."

"Okay," I smile, grabbing the bouquet of flowers from the table.

She grins happily before disappearing out of the room again, her long dress trailing behind her. Roman leans down and gives me a sweet kiss. Our lips move in sync and I couldn't help but wonder how I got so lucky to be with someone like him.

"You better get going."

"Are Peter and Destiny here?" I ask as we walk out of the room and into the hallway of the small church.

"Yeah," he replies. "And Andres."

"Good," I smile. We walk to the doors and Meredith was getting the final touches put on her dress. Her other bridesmaids were desperately trying to make everything perfect.

"I'm going to go sit down," Roman whispers in my ear. "Don't trip, okay? That would be embarrassing."

"Roman," I groan, now slightly worried. "I hadn't even thought about that before you said something."

He chuckles. "Well, this is good practice before the real thing, I suppose."

"Real thing?"

"You know what I'm talking about," he smirks. "I love you, Elsie."

"I love you," I tell him. Roman smiles before smacking my bum and carefully sneaking through the large wooden doors and into the audience. I adjust my dress one more time before getting in formation.

The violin music starts playing. I follow the trail of bridesmaids out the doors. The audience was filled with many family members, some I haven't seen a long time. I glance over and see Roman, Peter, Destiny and Andres. Roman smiles and gives me a small wink and I look down, blushing slightly. My dad is underneath the alter, tears brimming in his eyes. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek before lining up.

I thought about my mom. I knew that she was probably looking down, happy that my dad had found someone. I missed her a lot lately, especially with everything that has been happening. I wished that she could meet Roman and Peter. They were both so special to me and I knew she would have really liked them.

I blink away tears during the ceremony. It was beautiful and I was extremely happy for my dad and Meredith. After they kiss, everyone cheers as they walk down the aisle hand in hand, my father looking like he had just won the lottery.

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