Chapter 3

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"That's the thing which is bothering me. That woman, who is buying the land, has threatened that she will sue me!" Drago said and his mother looked impressed.

"Good. She should." She said with crossed arms and he frowned.

"How can you take a stranger's side against your own son?" He grumbled and his mother chuckled, waving her hand.

"Oh darling, this is business. And as a businesswoman, I am taking the side of another businesswoman, simple. Also, you are wrong here, so..." She shrugged and sighed. "Son, you know what that woman is planning to build on it?"

"Some building for kids?" He said, he truly did not have any idea what Sonia was planning to build there. He was getting a good amount for an unused land and that's all that mattered.

"She is going to construct an orphanage there. And you want to know why I am taking her side? Because I am grateful to people who think of others, who think for others." She said and smiled warmly. "An orphanage is not just a building, son; it's a home for many kids who are unfortunate enough to not have a family. And it's a place where they can get a family once again. It's a place where you get second chances. You know, your dad was raised in such a place?" She said and Drago looked up, surprised.

"What?" He said, shaking his head, shocked.

"Yes, he was raised in an orphanage. We never told you before because we didn't think you needed to know something like that. If it wasn't for that building, your father would have died on the streets. He was a few weeks old when he was abandoned by his parents and left at the orphanage. They took him in, raised him, it was a sad thing that he was not adopted by anyone but he never complained. I met him there." She chuckled and blushed. "So, that's why I am supporting that woman. Because she is doing a good job. I don't care if she is doing it for the money, for popularity or anything else. In the end, this is going to benefit many kids and all that is what matters. And son, it's not as if this is the only land left in the world! You can use any other place to make whatever you want, for whomever you want!" She said in a dismissive tone and Drago sighed.

"Not anyone Mom, it's for Gina, I know you don't like her but-

"I know, I know! I know you really like her. But just think what's more important? A luxury hotel for a girl or a home for unlucky children?"

Drago sighed. His mother was right. And although he really loved Gina, a home for those kids was way more important than a hotel, which he could make on any other land.

"Fine Mom, I will sell it." He said and his mother smiled.

"One more thing son, don't take more than the market price." She said and he nodded. He knew his mother was going to say this.

"Yes Mom!" He said and his mother smiled.

"And you will also give her a discount!"

"Mom, discount? On land?" He exclaimed and his mother chuckled.

"Oh I was just joking!" She laughed and Drago couldn't help but admire her beautiful smile.


"Where is your Boss?" Sonia exclaimed as she entered the lobby of Drago's office building. The huge building was a gorgeous piece of architecture but Sonia hadn't stopped to admire it even for a moment. All she wanted was to have a nice chat with the so-called Boss and take her land back from him.

"Excuse me Madam?" A girl in her twenties, dressed in an expensive looking dress, asked Sonia politely.

"I have an appointment today. With Mr Drago Barzetti." Sonia replied with a smile and the girl nodded, opening a small, leather-bound diary in her hand.

"Ms Sonia?" She asked and Sonia nodded.

"Please." The girl said and indicated Sonia to follow her. Sonia nodded and walked behind her, towards a glass door. The girl, who Sonia figured was the Secretary, knocked on the door thrice. Sonia heard a faint Come in and the girl opened the door.

Drago looked up to see his secretary Tisha come in. Behind her was a girl, whose face was hidden, but he could make out her brown hair, her black handbag and her impatience as she tapped her heels on the wooden floor.

"Sir, Ms Sonia is here." Tisha said and Drago nodded.

Before he could get up, he was bombarded with a sweet voice, shouting at him for no apparent reason.

"Mr Barzetti! How dare you be so unethical in terms of business? How could you do that to me? First, you take my money. Then, you sell me the land. And then, you take it back without even having the courtesy to have a discussion with me? What kind of a businessman are you?" Sonia screamed, forgetting her own manners in rage.

As she kept on shouting, Drago couldn't help but stare at the beauty in front of him. He had expected Sonia to be an older woman, an experienced aged person but he was not expecting this girl who hardly looked twenty-five, with gorgeous pale skin and pink cheeks. Her long, brown hair cascaded to her back in the half-bun style she was wearing them in, the bracelet in her hand tingled as it clashed with her watch because her hands were moving so fast as she kept on scolding him like a mother.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Sonia asked suddenly as she looked at Drago Barzetti. He seemed to be in a daze and his expressionless face shut her up.

"Excuse me?" She said and clapped a few times and Drago looked as if pulled out of a dream.

"Huh?" He asked and shook his head.

"Are you listening to me Mr Barzetti?" She asked again, trying not to stare at his incredibly attractive face and extremely blue eyes.

"Yes I am." He said and cleared his throat.

"So, do you have any explanation for what you did? I learned from my sources that you are planning to have a luxury hotel built on that land. How can you do that? I-

"I am not." He simply said and sat back in his chair.

"What?" She asked as he looked incredibly calm.

"I said, I am not building any luxury hotel there." Drago shrugged and crossed his arms.

"If not then why did you-

"It was a misunderstanding." He said and Sonia frowned.

"Misunderstanding? What kind of misunderstanding is this?" She asked with her crossed arms and Drago looked at her.

"I was talking about some other land and my lawyer must have misunderstood. So he called you instead of the other client. Simple." Drago shrugged as he lied smoothly.

"Really?" Sonia narrowed her eyes.

"Yes and I apologize for it." He said and stood up again.

"You do?" She stared him down and he nodded.

"Yes. And as an apology, I have decided to sell you the land on the market price. Not more than that. The extra amount that you had paid will be deposited in your account by today." Drago explained as Sonia frowned.

"Okay then, thank you." She said and gave him a nod. "I'll see you then, bye." She said and turned around to leave when Drago's voice stopped her.

"Wait a minute. Aren't you going to apologize?" He said and she turned around.

"Apologize? For what?" She asked.

"For screaming at me?" He said as a matter of fact and Sonia chuckled.

"Um, no, because you were wrong then. And I didn't know about that misunderstanding so I was right then, for shouting at you. So no, I will not apologize to you." She said with a smile. "But I will say, thank you very much!" She smiled genuinely and left before Drago could say anything.

"You have a nice smile." He murmured but she had already left.


I do not own the picture. Credit goes to owner.

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