Chapter 36

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Tara was just finishing her late lunch when there was a knock on the door. She yelled a come in with a mouthful of pasta and quickly devoured it when the door opened to reveal Drago Barzetti on the other side.

"He's here again." She mumbled to herself as she got up with a smile.

"I came by to drop this." He said as he walked in, showing the file. "The Mayor's office sent it to my office."

"Oh, thank you very much!" Tara said and took the file to check if everything is fine. As she looked in it, Drago looked around.

"If you are searching for Sonia then you won't have the luck, she's not here." She said and closed the file.

"Oh, yes I figured she must be quite busy. I messaged her before but there was no reply." He said and nodded.

"Yes, her phone is still probably on airplane mode. Seat?" Tara said as she sat down again.

"On airplane mode? Why?" Drago frowned as he sat as well.

"Because she was in one. She left for America yesterday morning." Tara informed and almost chuckled as Drago's face appeared stunned.

"What? She left?" He asked slowly and Tara nodded.

"Don't worry, she's not gone for forever, she'll be back in a week." She informed the shocked man in front of her.

"Is everything her home?" He asked, suddenly concerned at Sonia's unexpected leave.

"Yes, everything's fine! She was just working too much and there were some...personal reasons too, so she had to...leave." Tara explained quite unclearly. "She had some...things to think over."

"Oh, okay." Drago nodded, not really understanding. "So, is everything going well here?"

"Yes, everything is going great." Tara said and noticed the small talk Drago was initiating. "Actually, I was quite busy, so, I will see you later?"

"Yes, sure." Drago said and stood up, relief clear on his face.

Drago left with a frown on his face, still wondering why Sonia had left all of a sudden. What personal things did she have? What did she have to think over? He wondered before stopping himself.

"So she went home, what's the big deal?" He muttered to himself. "She'll come back and then...we'll talk."

Taking out his phone, he decided to drop another message.

Tara told me you went back to America.

Is everything okay?

He had just sat in his car when his phone pinged.

Yes, I had to leave for some personal reasons.

Drago sighed. "What personal reasons?" He wanted to ask but refrained himself before typing.

Is everything okay though?

Her reply came almost two minutes later, when he thought she won't be answering.

Everything is just great. Awesome.


He frowned as he itched to know what was personal, and great and awesome. "What could it be?" He said to himself and his phone pinged again.

I will talk later, little busy.


Sonia sighed as she sent the message and put the phone away. Her Mom looked at her as she unpacked her suitcase.

"Mom, why are you unpacking it? I have to leave in a few days anyways." Sonia said and sat on her bed cross-legged.

"I am going to wash these and you will be taking other clothes back with you." Her mother said with a shake of head.


"Because your clothes are so boring!" Her sister entered her room. "And now that you are going on dates with Drago Barzetti, you should have cute cloth-

"I am not going on dates!" Sonia shouted and stood up. "Can you please stop?"

"What is up with her?" Alexa said with a scowl as her elder sister walked out of her room in anger.

"Unpack this." Her mother said, indicating to the suitcase. "I'll go talk to your sister."

Alexa groaned as she took the unpacking duty and their mother went out of the room. After trying to find her daughter in the house for fifteen minutes, she was finally seen sitting in the garden.

"Sweetheart. Are you okay?" Sonia's mother asked and she quickly wiped her tears.

"Yeah. Yes." Sonia nodded and her mother chuckled.

"You are so bad at lying. Just like your father." She chuckled and removed a stray hair from her daughter's face. "Now tell me, what 's wrong."

"I...I don't know." Sonia shrugged and sniffed, her eyes filling up again.

"I know it's not a work thing." Her mother said. "Work never bothers you. So tell me."

"I don't know...what's happening Mom." Sonia said and looked at het mother with helplessness. "I don't know how it happened. One day, I was happy and the next, I was bawling my eyes out!"

"Why?" Her mother asked calmly. "Tell me, darling."

"I met someone." Sonia said and her mother nodded. "And I like him, a lot. Too much, it hurts."

"Why does it hurt?" Her mother asked and held her hand. "It isn't supposed to hurt."

"He...likes someone...else, no, no, he loves someone else." Sonia sobbed as tears travelled her cheeks. "And it hurts."

"Oh sweety." Her mother said softly and wiped her daughter's tears. "It's okay. It'll be fine."

"It's not okay." Sonia shook her head. "He's my friend...and I really love him."

"Honey." Her mother's expression changed as Sonia uttered the word love. "You really love him?"

"I think so; it feels a lot like love." Sonia said and burst into tears. "I just...don't feel so...good."

"It's okay darling, everything will be fine!" Her mother hugged her.

"No, it won't be...because I have to go back...and see him...with her." Sonia wept. "And it hurts, Mom, it hurts."

"Wait a minute, are you talking about...Drago Barzetti?" Her mother asked as she realized whom her daughter was talking about her.

"Hmm." Sonia nodded and her mother sighed.

"Okay, look at me." She said and cupping Sonia's face, looked at her. "It's okay. You are a strong woman, right? It's okay that he doesn't love you. And it's okay if you do." 


I do not own the picture. Credit goes to owner.

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