Chapter 10

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Tara could not hide her awe as they walked around the Barzetti Mansion, admiring the intricate paintings, the elegant carpets, the beautiful showpieces and the elaborate structure of halls as Drago quite keenly showed them around. He even said yes to Tara's offer to have a quick dip in the cool pool but Sonia was quick to stop her and say no.

"What is that?" Sonia suddenly asked as they were walking around the dining hall, pointing to an arrangement in the garden outside.

"That's a breakfast area. We have breakfast there on winter, autumn mornings-

"To soak in the sun, right?" Tara said and Drago smiled, nodding.

"Can we have our brunch there?" Sonia asked slowly, looking at the beautiful and calming setup outside which reminded her of home.

"Of course." Drago said with a slightly surprised tone. Sonia Alexander was suddenly being friendly and he liked that. "I'll be back." He said and went out of the dining hall.

"Wow, isn't this just beautiful? Again, imagine living here everyday!" Tara exclaimed as they walked out of the doors and into the patio.

"Yeah. It's nice." Sonia said softly and sighed.

"Are you alright?" Tara asked her friend, touching her elbow to turn her towards herself.

"Just a little homesick." Sonia shrugged.

"Aww, come here!" Tara chuckled and hugged her friend tightly, rubbing her palms on her arm. "If you want, you can take a small break and visit your family. Want me to book your flight?"

"No. I can't so soon." Sonia said and stepped down the stairs. "There's so much work to be done, the construction is not even halfway done! And we have to wait for the papers to be-

"I get it; you can't go but you can call them right? Call them when we reach home, simple!" Tara shrugged.

"Yes, I guess I can do that." Sonia smiled sheepishly.

"Sonia, Tara, good you are already here!" Julia said as she walked behind them. "Sorry for the wait!"

"It's okay. We spent our time looking at your beautiful home, it truly is quite fascinating!" Sonia smiled genuinely.

"I am so glad you liked it. Now come on, let's eat or the frittatas will go cold!" Julia said as two staff members walked out with trays.

"I love cold frittatas so don't worry about it." Tara said, licking her lips and Julia laughed.

They followed Julia to the breakfast table setup in the garden. The raised platform was made of stone and bricks which gave it a raw, vintage look. Walking up the few stairs, the staff put the trays on the small dining table which sat under a table umbrella near a pair of sofas.

"This is so pretty." Sonia mumbled to herself as Julia gestured them to sit.

"Where's Mr Barzetti?" Tara asked as she poured some wine in her glass.

"Here I am." He said as he walked up the stairs behind them. "I had to attend a call, I apologize."

"It's okay." Sonia said as Julia served them.

"So, Sonia, tell us about yourself!" She asked enthusiastically.

"About myself?" Sonia frowned and chuckled, looking at Tara. Tara just shrugged as she took a sip of her wine.

"Yes. Where are you from, your family, you know?" Julia said, looking at her expectantly.

"Mom, let our guest eat in peace. What is with this twenty questions?" Drago mumbled, shaking his head.

"It was only two questions! And I am not interrogating her or anything like that, just asking." Julia shrugged and looked at Sonia again with a smile.

"Umm." Sonia cleared her throat. "I am from America. And my in business...we have our own business."

"That's great. And who else is in your family?" Julia asked, sipping her wine.

"My parents and a younger sister." Sonia replied, taking a small bite. "This is really very tasty."

"Thanks. And what does your sister do?" Julia asked again.

"Mom, let her- Drago started but his mother just smacked his arm and he shut up.

"She is a music student in New York. She plays the harp." Sonia said. "She's really good!"

"I play the guitar. Occasionally." Tara said suddenly. "Do you have a guitar? I can play it for you or...not." She started saying but stopped because of Sonia's side glare. "Maybe next time."

"Sure. Drago must have his hidden somewhere." Julia chuckled and looked at her son. "He used to play too, in college."

"But now I don't. And thanks for the brunch Mom, I will be leaving now." Drago said quickly, wiping his mouth and standing up. "I will see you later."

"Wait, are you going to India?" Julia asked confused.

"No, I have postponed that trip, I told you earlier." He said and kissed his mother's cheek as she smiled. "I will see you ladies later?"

"Sure!" Tara said, nodding enthusiastically.

Drago nodded and just for a second, looked at Sonia, who was quite busy staring at her half-finished plate. He stood there silently for a few seconds, as if waiting for her to say something. If he was trying to be discreet, he was terrible at it because Julia and Tara were witnessing this quite clearly, while looking at each other with frowns before switching back and forth between Sonia and Drago.

Finally after five seconds, Sonia looked up to see why everyone was so silent. Her eyes met with Drago's and she straightened herself.

"See you later." She mumbled and smiled tightly and Drago felt giddy, as if he was a seventeen-year boy! For the first time, he felt his cheeks burn and ear tips hot.

God, was he blushing?!

What in the worl-

"Yes okay bye." He quickly said and controlled himself from literally running down the stairs.

Julia smiled to herself and looked at Sonia, who sat there quite uncomfortably.

"Should we move inside? I think it's getting quite warm in here." Julia said as she sipped the wine.

"Okay." Sonia nodded and quickly dropped her spoon in her half-eaten plate. She stood up immediately as if unable to wait any longer. "Let's go!"

"Wait, let me finish please!" Tara said. "This is so good, really I love it!"

"Thank you dear!" Julia chuckled and Sonia sat back down slowly, waiting to just leave.


As soon as Drago was inside the mansion, he sighed loudly and shook his head.

"What the hell was that?" he mumbled to himself, feeling confused as ever. "Was I-did I-how...relax Drago, she's just a girl! Why are you feeling as if it's puberty all over again? And all of a sudden, out of nowhere, how can you even think about another woman? Think about Gina! Beautiful, lovely Gina whom you love for God's sake!" He scolded himself.

"Sir are you okay?" Someone asked and he looked up to see his butler Mateo.

"I am fine Mateo. Is the car ready?" Drago cleared his throat as Mateo nodded. "Thanks." He said and left for his office.


I do not own the picture. Credit to it's owner. I just googled it. 

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