Soulmates (Soulmate AU, Canon Divergence)

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The halls of Winterfell were extraordinary crowded. Maids were decorating the main hall with garlands made of different kinds of flowers. Servants were running from the kitchen with full plates only to return a few second laters to get another one. Young men were carrying wooden tables and benches so all the invited visitors tonight would have a seat.

At midnight sharp the magical necklace lady Sansa was wearing would reveal her soulmate, the man who will make her happy, the man who will get her hand.

And everyone in Winterfell, everyone in the North, wanted to know who the eldest Stark daughter would wed.

Especially since she was the first one of the Stark family who's countdown had reached the zero.

At least, that's what everyone thought.

Jon curled his hand around his necklace. He preferred to keep it hidden in the pocket of his pants or under his pillow, but now it was dangling against his chest, covered by his shirt. He had no illusions.

Even if the Starks had known that he would get to see the image of his soulmate today too, it wouldn't have changed anything. They wouldn't have thrown a bigger party. They wouldn't have promoted him to the main table. They wouldn't have treated him any better.

He made his way through the hallway and he nodded every time he passed someone he vaguely knew. He tried to pretend that he was as excited about the festivities as the others. He tried to act like he was helping out where he could. He tried to act like Sansa's special day wasn't his special day too. Especially because he knew that the chance that the girl who was stuck with him would really marry him was rather small anyway.

No one wanted to marry a bastard. No one wanted to marry a man with nothing to inherit and no name to pass on. No one wanted to marry the walking proof of a sin.

"Jon?" Robb turned one of the corners. "It's your turn to get pretty for tonight." He touched his bare chin and let his hand go through his curls. "Martha is in an awful mood, so I wouldn't keep her waiting too long, unless you want to end up with a wounded cheek or neck." He grinned and a little reluctantly Jon followed him.

He didn't understand why he had to get pretty in the first place. He would be sitting at a table at the very back. No one would notice or see him. No matter how pretty they'd make him, no one would care. But he sat down in the chair and he closed his eyes while Martha took care of his beard and hair.

"I'm afraid you'll have to take your shirt off, sir. We don't want it to get dirty." The girl bent her head and avoided his glance and with one smooth movement Jon pulled the shirt over his back. "Thank you, sir." The girl continued, but the comfortable silence was interrupted when Robb cleared his throat.

"Why didn't you tell us anything?"

Jon's eyes flashed open. The necklace, resting on his chest, was burning his skin and he widened his eyes when he realized that Robb must have noticed the big zero in the centre of the silver coin. "It doesn't make a difference." He shrugged his shoulders.

"It does!" Robb grabbed a chair and sat down next to one of his best friends. "Jon! You're going to meet your soulmate tonight! I'm sure that if father knew about it, he would have arranged something for you too."

"An extra piece of meat? A fuller glass of wine?" Jon crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm fine, Robb. This is Sansa's night. The last thing I want is steal some of her attention."

Robb kept silent for a moment. "Fine, but you have to let me see her picture once it gets revealed, do you promise me?"

Jon nodded, although he didn't answer out loud.

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