A student's life for me

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"Enjoy your meal, Mister Lannister." Jon nodded and forced himself to keep smiling while Tywin threw the door in his face, just like every night. Luckily not all his customers acted like this and even more luckily he had delivered all meals for today and could finally return to his dorm, to the warmth and his astronomy homework.

When he had started his studies a few years ago student's life had all seemed very exciting. He had heard stories about the wild parties, the illegal drinking and the making friends for life. He had most of all heard that most people found their true love while being in college.

None of it had happened. Even among students astronomy was considered boring, which meant that his classmates didn't even wanna be found anywhere near a wild party and none of them would ever cross the line of illegal drinking. And that meant that the other students had simply stopped inviting them.

Even Robb Stark, his dorm mate, had stopped mentioning the parties as soon as he had discovered that Jon was not exactly the most interesting conversationalist to introduce to his football friends when they were drunk. Or actually, Jon was the most interesting conversationalist, which was exactly the problem.

If he had known that the real student life looked like this, he might have considered finding a normal job right away. That normal job couldn't possibly be worse that delivering meals to elder people who had too much money and no one who cared about them anymore.

He pulled his hat over his dark black curls and needed three attempts to get his gloves on. His student loan was barely enough to cover his rent and food, so he didn't have money for a motorbike or a car. Which meant that he was still stuck with his cargo bike, both in summer and winter.

It really was not as exciting as he had once imagined it to be.

But Jon didn't know that his entire life was about to be changed.

Just before Jon stepped on his bike to ride back to campus, a big yellow bus stopped at the bus sign. Normally the bus, that once a day brought people from this small middle of nowhere to the nearest big city and once a day made the trip backwards, arrived here empty, but today a girl carrying two suitcases stepped out.

She wore a white hat over her strawberry blond, or was it even red, hair. The hat barely covered her ears, but maybe the hat was not supposed to be functional. The dark black coat keeping her body warm at least looked far more expensive than anything Jon could ever pay for. Not to mention her bright red boots reaching her knee caps with a logo on it that in itself was already worth more than Jon had ever earned in his life.

But it was her smile that really made him lose his grip on his bike. Just when his jaw dropped, the cargo bike slipped from his hand, fell in the snow, bruised his ankles and tipped him over. It all happened within a few seconds, but it didn't really happen in silence.

The pretty red haired girl looked up and with her suitcases in her gloved hands she rushed towards him, kneeling down next to him as soon as she'd reached him. "Is everything alright?"

Jon laid flat on his back in the ice cold snow with bruised ankles, but he still nodded. "Yeah, yeah..." He sat up and pushed his glasses a little further on his nose. "I'm fine."

The girl furrowed her eyebrows, but she didn't say anything and just watched him. "Do we know each other? For some reason I have the feeling we've already met, but I have no idea where and when."

Jon shrugged and he stood up before he reached out his hand to help the girl stand up too. "I'm pretty sure I would've remembered it if we've met." He didn't let go of her hand, but instead shook it a little awkwardly. "Jon, Jon Snow."

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