Sansa Stark and the Olympians

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Or: I ask the guy when he's finally gonna try and get the girl, aka me 

There were quite a few things Jon Snow, son of Ares, was really good at. Whenever they were making the teams to play capture the flag, he was the one everyone wanted in their team. He could deal with about five campers in the other team all on his own, which means that usually the team that got him ended up winning the game within fifteen minutes.

Margaery, daughter of Aphrodite, complained quite often that the game was no fun anymore.

Sansa, daughter of Athena, begged to differ. Her war tactics and his fighting skills were a match made in heaven and secretly she had made it her goal to win this game within ten minutes before the summer was over. She was certain they could do it.

Unless they were sent on some quest, which wasn't that unlikely.

Now the Gods had been forced to somehow take care of their children, if you could call dumping them in a summer camp to play capture the flag and get taught ancient fighting techniques no one was using these days anymore taking care of, they had also noticed that the campers were actually quite useful. Whenever the Gods got a task they didn't feel like doing, they simply summoned one of their children and called it a quest.

Most half bloods didn't seem to mind. They liked playing the hero and they preferred slaying monsters in the real word over cleaning their bunks and doing chores at camp.

Sansa used to be like that too.

But not anymore.

Not ever since Jon had been brought in.

And Sansa was sure she had dropped enough hints by now that she liked him. Whenever she was in charge of making the schedules for the cores, she always made sure she and Jon had to work together. Whenever she was made captain of a capture the flag team, she always made him co-captain and general. And for the end of the summer chariot race she had also asked him to partner up with her.

And there were moments he seemed to do the same. He had offered to teach her how to hold a sword and while doing so he had been constantly touching her. During dinner he never seemed to talk to his siblings. He was always looking at her and once in a while he smiled. And every time he walked past her he made sure to touch her shoulder.

Sansa was not an expert when it came to love, especially not compared to Margaery who had dated more than a few demigods already, including Sansa's older brother Robb, but slowly Sansa started to grow a little impatient.

Either Jon Snow was gay, which would be totally okay if he would actually let her know that she didn't stand a chance and all her flirting was for nothing. Or love was one of the few things he was not that good in.

"Sansa?" Margaery interrupted Sansa's thoughts. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest and she was wearing a dress that clearly accentuated her beauty. "If you don't do it, I will."

Sansa shook her head. "What are you talking about?"

"About you and Jon." Margaery rolled her eyes. "Shall I ask him what he thinks of you or are you gonna do it yourself?"

Sansa raised her eyebrows. Of course she could let Margaery do it, but even though Margaery was the daughter of the Goddess of love, she wasn't really known for her subtlety.

And apart from that, if Jon was not interested in turning their friendship into a romance, Sansa didn't want the rest of the camp to know before she did. And that included Margaery. "I'll go." She took a deep breath and stood up from her seat.

Even though the other campers pretended to be eating and chatting, she felt their glances following her while she made her way to the Ares table.

"Jon?" She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Have you finished eating yet?" She licked her dry lips and quickly pulled her hand back, before Jon would notice that her palm was sweating.

"Yeah..." He was still chewing on his last bite, but his plate was indeed empty. "Why?" He cocked his head and Sansa was glad that the evening had already fallen and that the light in the dinner cabin wasn't that great.

Her cheeks were glowing and she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "I need your help with...with..." Usually her mind was trustworthy and came up with solutions and plans much faster than she could talk. Now she was blank. "Something." She paused. "In private." She added quickly.

"Okay..." Jon furrowed his eyebrows, but he did stand up from his seat. His muscled arms barely fitted in the orange camp shirt and Sansa stared at his broad back while she followed him outside.

Even though it was summer, the evening chill surprised her a little and she quickly wrapped her arms around herself to keep her from shivering while they walked away from the others, towards the lake.

When they reached the edge of the water Jon turned around and cocked his head. "So, what do you need my help with?"

Sansa swallowed once more. "I don't really need your help, I..." She hesitated for a moment and then she gathered all her courage and strength. "When are you gonna ask me out, Jon?"

Jon stared at her with wide open eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but then he closed it again.

And the more minutes passed, the more awkward Sansa started to feel.

"Fine..." She eventually shook her head. "Forget it. Forget that I asked. Forget what I said. Let's not ruin our friendship." She already turned around to walk back to the dinner cabin, but then Jon curled his fingers around her wrist.

"I was thinking about the when part of your question, not the dating part." Jon bent his head and Sansa froze. "So, is now as good a moment as any?"

Sansa's lips curled up into a smile. "It's not as great a moment as a few weeks ago would have been, but it's far better than tomorrow."

"Sansa Stark..." Jon cleared his throat. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

"A date?" She raised her eyebrows. "After all those hints I dropped, that's all your gonna ask?"

"I thought..." Jon paused and he scratched the back of his neck. "Sansa Stark..." He licked his lips and pulled her a little closer towards him. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Sansa's lips curled up into a smile and then she freed herself from his embrace so she could curl her arms around his neck. "I thought you'd never ask."

Jon Snow & Sansa Stark - Game of Thrones FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now