1. Changed

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Today you feel exceptionally good. You don't know why, but something puts a spring in your step as you walk. It may be because you got all your work done early and have plenty of free time, you've had a good night sleep for a long period of time, or just because you have company to share that free time with.

It's almost been a month. You quit your previous job so you could focus more on youtube and creating new and unique content. So you pretty much almost never leave the apartment besides to get food and other stuff. But that's living the life.

But today you just couldn't stay inside. You were just too peppy to stay cuddled inside when you don't have any work to do. So you decided to go on a walk in the park.

Autumn has come around, so that means the trees have more colors to reflect the sun, the air is getting cooler against your skin, and the fallen leaves crunch underneath your boots every step you take.

You wear a long jacket to reflect the wind, soft gloves, and a scarf. One of your hands is shoved deep into your pockets while the other holds a bag of cookies you got from the store. Your head watches your feet crunch the dead leaves as your hair is falling in your face.

Anti walks next to you. He is is too wearing a long black jacket, a scarf to cover up his neck, and a wool hat with a yarn poof on top to cover his green hair.

He digs his nose and mouth into his scarf to block out the wind. You can see his breath puff through the wool.

You decided to take him with you, because why not? You haven't really been outside with him much, (for multiple reasons) but now that the weather is cooler and more layers are needed, now you can.

Plus you just wanted to chill out with him. Like things are normal. Well, things are somewhat normal. You got back on a recording schedule, are uploading consistently, and Anti hasn't been an issue or caused any problems.

Though, he has been acting weird lately. You're not sure why. He seems pretty content, and he is fine during the day, but just before bed, and some time in the morning after he returns, he just seems off. Not distant though. As a matter of fact he seems more attached to you within the first couple hours of the day. Like an extra smile or some sign of affection every time he sees you.

At night, Anti goes out. It didn't take long for you to find out, and Anti knows you know, but you learned not to ask questions. You have no idea where he goes, what he does, but the reason he seems a little off may have something to do with this. Maybe its something personal.

He leaves after you go to bed and returns just before you wake up, so technically you shouldn't even know he's gone. He started to do it a couple weeks after you became his host, and only left every few days, but now he leaves almost every night.

You don't mind. Yes, its weird, and suspicious, and you cant say you haven't thought about him going off and doing... You know. But Anti did tell you that what he does has nothing to do with you and won't put you into harm. So you decided to believe him.

But he seems anxious today as evening draws near. As you look up at him you can tell he is in his own world. The way his eyes are unfocused and zoning out. You sort of want to bring him out of it without him making it obvious that you're trying to destract him from his thoughts.

"Did you see that dog back there?" You ask.

"Your making it obvious that you're trying to destract me from my thoughts." He gives you a side eye. Then smiles behind his scarf. "But yes. I did see it."

You bite your lip to hide a smile. "What's your preferred dog breed?"

He shrugs. "I dunno. I find them all equally delicious."

MANIPULATED Book A (Sequel to Tempted)Where stories live. Discover now