12. Come Along

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By the time Anti walked away, Schneeplestein had already gotten up and gone in a different direction.

You climb down from the tree as quickly as possible, and run.

Your mind is racing miles a minute, wondering if you heard everything correctly. That Anti wants to remove the human aspect of your soul and that Schneep is very reluctant to do so. What would this do to you? If a doctor says its too dangerous, then we have a problem. You know Anti wants to protect you... But if he wants to do something a doctor says isn't right... you don't know how safe it could be. How would that even work?! You want to trust Anti, but you're not sure you can now...

The woods are so thick, you can't see what is ahead of you far away, so you have no idea how close you are to the hut, or of Anti is already there. You don't recognize any of your surroundings. You forgot that the woods has a mind of its own and changes at every twist and turn. But you also remember that it might adapt to change at someone's needs. So you stupidly wish really hard that it will lead you back to the hut. Then a few steps later, you see the edge of a cliff in the distance. You run harder to the steep rock, and find the hidden door to Anti's hut, then run inside, but then think twice about running in instead of sneaking in. What if Anti's inside?

The hut is empty. Thank God.

Thank you woods. You think.

But you're out of breath. So you dust all the dirt off your clothes and make yourself seem as if you never left, in a rush because you have no idea how must time you have before he comes back.

What if Anti finds out you left? How long can you last without him running through your mind to see what lies you hold. How many lies will you have to tell him? And how will you react to a plan you already know?

Then Anti comes opens the door. You jump at the sudden noise and Anti meets your eyes with a frantic look.

"(Y/n). We need to move."


He grabs your wrist. "I have a plan to beat Dark."

You try pulling back without making it obvious you're trying to pull back. "What is it?"

"I can't tell you. You'll find out when it's done."

Your heart sinks as soon as those words hit your ears. He wants to perform something without you knowing so you can't fight him. "Why can't I know? And why do I have to come with you? Where are we going?"

"I said I can't tell you. We are going to see someone. He can help us."

"Us...? Or you...?"

Anti stops pulling you towards the door and looks at you skeptically.

"You said for me to stay here and that I'm not safe out there. So why am I coming now?"

"Stop fighting me, (y/n)."

"Then answer me."

He ignores you and prepares to teleport you both. As soon as you feel the buzzing sensation, you blurt out "I followed you!"

He stops. "What?" He asks with venom.

You want to start crying. "I- I followed you... And I saw you talk to Dr. Schneeplestein..."

"You followed me?"

"I don't know- I just- I had to see where you were going." You look up at him. "What do you mean you want to remove the human part of my soul?"

He looks back at you with pain and betrayal. "You weren't supposed to know..."

"Why?" Now you start feeling angry. "Why wasn't I supposed to know? What are you planning Anti?"

"I talked to the doctor, and he agreed to perform the surgery-"

"Bull shit! That didn't look anything like agreement. You abused and threatened him! Why is he so reluctant to your idea? What about it is so dangerous?"

"It's not!"


"(Y/n), this is for your own protection! The less you know, the better! Let me-"

"Oh, so you were just going to perform a surgery on me, that a doctor says is too dangerous, removing my entire human being, all without my consent?! You were going to risk my life, for what, so that you are stronger? Because you're not strong enough?"

"Stop interrupting me! I am protecting you!"

"Fuck you."

Then Anti switches, and grabs your arm and shoves you to the ground, his eyes flaring with anger. You hit the corner of a table and fall, almost blacking out and shutting you up.

"I am risking both our lives by bringing you here!" He storms above, pointing a threatening finger down at you. "You agreed to help me. And you are now a part of me. You are under my control. And I tell you what is and isn't good for you, as long as it keeps me alive and free from Dark's rule."

You feel lightheaded again, but you need to get out of here. Get somewhere safe.

"You have no power over me and I will force you to undergo this surgery, even if I have to convince you the same way I did with that doctor."

You stand up, a streak of blood falling down past your eye, and run out the door.

Anti calls after you, but you can't make out his muffled voice in your foggy senses.

You run and run, occasionally running into a tree, or tripping on a root, but you feel your senses go weaker and weaker.

Then you collapse. You can't feel where or what you've broken or where you are. But then you black out. And you don't wake up for a very long time.


Short. Sweet.

Oh, wait never mind it's not that sweet.

MANIPULATED Book A (Sequel to Tempted)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora