Laurens, I Like You A Lot

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We were working on the John Laurens character for the video so I was spending a lot of time with Anthony Ramos the following week. He was really sweet to me and made me laugh. I still was seeing Lin on the down low but it was getting difficult to see him. I could talk to him about anything. He was so genuine but all our interactions had to take place in my room. A room that was getting to feel stuffy. So, excuse me if I flirt with Anthony just as much as he flirts with me.

"Alright, let's take a lunch break everyone!" The director shouted. I headed to the dressing room trailer to change out of my Laurens clothing. Anthony caught up with me outside the trailer.

"Hey, Y/N," said Anthony, "What are your lunch plans?"

"I guess that depends, what are your lunch plans?" He chuckled and we walked away arm in arm.


"Wow. This is pretty swank." I said after a sip of my water. Lin had taken me out to lunch after our incredibly awkward first meeting.

"Ellen suggested we go here after we first met but you looked like you wanted to run so we cut the trip short." Lin chuckled between bites of his salad. It was nice to be out with Lin. This is so nice. The food is nice. He's so nice. I didn't want it to end. Then his phone went off.

"Excuse me," he said, "It's my wife." I smiled and nodded quickly as he walked away to take the call. Lin is great but he's taken. Enjoy this moment, Y/N, for it is the last. Some fans came over while he was gone. It was the distraction I needed. I chatted with them and took selfies with them. The fans left a few minutes before Lin returned.

"Everything okay?" I asked with a soft smile.

"Yeah, our babysitter just cancelled is all." I felt my ears perk up.

"That's too bad. I mean, if it's okay, I can babysit for you."

"If it's not a problem, that would be great! I'll talk to my wife. Thank you!"

"No need to thank me." The pleasure is all mine.


Lin's POV

I watched Y/N walk off with Anthony. I felt a twinge of jealousy as they made their way out.

"Hey, man," Daveed greeted me.

"Yo, Anthony and Y/N?"

"Oh, yeah, Anthony can't stop talking about her. They're kinda cute together." I looked at Daveed and gave him a halfhearted smile. Is she mad at me again? She didn't seem upset. Without thinking too much, I followed the two off the set. They walked to a food truck and bought tacos then sat in fake grass as they ate their food. Y/N's eyes were glistening from how happy she looked. They looked so happy together.

"She doesn't want me anymore..." I whispered to myself. I turned and walked back to set.

Your POV

I was exhausted after working all day. I didn't get to my room until long after my bed time. Just as I got to my door, I ran into Lin.

"Hey, Y/N, long day huh?"

"Yeah, I'm so tired. I'm going to put on my comfiest pajamas and go to sleep."

"The ones that don't match at all? I would love to see what they look like."

"Well, you never will. Those are my 'I'm alone tonight pajamas'." Lin let out a relieved sigh and then chuckled.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Lin." We looked at each other with the same longing. I wish I could kiss him but we're in the hall. If I let him into my room, I won't get to sleep. A yawn interrupted our longing looks. I went into my room without another word.

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