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Lin had been gone a couple days with Vanessa due to their new baby boy being born. I was happy for them. When they came back, they added a new family picture to the wall. It was beautiful, but I started to feel awkward again. I tried to remind myself that there are many different types of families. This was definitely different than anything I'd learned but it was okay. I tried to be as invisible as possible so that Lin could focus on his new baby for the next couple weeks.

"Knock, Knock." Candace said one day. She was standing in my doorway. "Let's go for a walk." I nodded and left with her. We went to a park away from the neighborhood. It was quiet with a pond that had a little waterfall. The sound of the water was relaxing.

"Can we sit here?" I asked.

"Are you sure you want to go down? You know it's struggle to get you back up." Candace chuckled but helped me sit down. "Hey, let's do the breathing thing we learned at Lamaze."

"You know Lin doesn't like when we do it without him."

"Lin's not here." She giggled. We did some deep breathing. I felt at peace.

"Candace?" I asked.

"What's up?"

"Be honest: this is all weird and crazy... right?"


"This whole...everything... I know how Kendall felt about it... He was upset when he found out."

"Kendall was upset that you lied to him and snuck around behind his back."

"He totally disapproved."

"Well, Lin is a married man... But, in your defense, you didn't start it and you ended it... Twice."

"Yes, but what do you think?" I looked over at Candace. She was staring out at the pond pensively.

"Well...I think this is not conventional. I think it's not okay to sleep with a married man and vice versa. I think if we aren't careful, this could blow up in a major way."

"Oh..." I nodded somberly.

"But," she continued, "you're both doing your best to make sure Philodosia has a bright future and I admire that."

"Oh." I looked at Candace who was smiling softly at me.

"I'm just mad that Kendall knew before me and that you guys didn't even tell me when I got back." She joked. I laughed uneasily.

"I didn't tell anyone. Anthony tried to blackmail me when he found out about me and Lin..." I confessed.

"Really?" She gasped. "I don't believe it!"

"Yeah but I think he did it out of jealousy."

"Okay that I believe." She chuckled. We were quiet for moment listening to the water. "Y/N?"


"Just don't run away. Lin clearly loves you and your baby. Running away would hurt more than help." I sighed. It seemed like everyone could sense my thoughts on leaving despite not voicing them.

"We should head back." I said instead of responding. Candace nodded and helped me up.

"Let's take the petunia path. I heard the flowers on the path are lovely."

"Are they petunias?"

"What? No." Candace looked at me confused. She led me down the path. That's when I smelled something delicious.

"Mmm, is that barbecue?" I drooled.

"Just a little further." Candace mumbled.

"What did you say?"

So We Had an Affair: A ConfessionalWhere stories live. Discover now