Said Yes to This (Lin's POV)

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"What do you mean 'she freaked out'?" I asked my wife. Vanessa had called me frantically saying that Y/N had lost her mind.

"What kind of question is that, Lin? She lost it! She started screaming at me to get out!" Vanessa explained.

"Well... what did you say or do before that?" I asked her cautiously.

"Really, Lin? You're taking sides right now?"

"I'm not taking sides. I know Y/N is a reactive person. She wouldn't just blow a fuse on nothing. In fact, she's more likely to ignore things than react."

"Call your baby mama." Vanessa said flatly then hung up.

"Uhm, wow, okay." I said to myself. I dialed Y/N. It rang and rang and rang. I looked at the time. She would be up by now... The phone went to voicemail. I decided not to fuss. If Y/N is upset, she'll call me or text me. Even if she isn't, she'll see my call and call back. When we first started seeing each other we rarely called or sent text messages. After finding out she was pregnant with our child, I changed that. She didn't really message or call as much as I wished she would but she did answer me. I put my phone down and went back to work. I had been working for a solid two hours when my phone buzzed with a text. I assumed it was Y/N but was surprised to see it was from my wife.

Mi Amor: She hasn't come out all morning... did you call her?!

Me: Yes, I called her. Has Candace come by yet?

Mi Amor: Who?

Me: Her PA

Mi Amor: No, she should be in soon. She said she would be in later...

Me: Candace can probably get her.

Mi Amor: Sebastian is knocking on her door... Nothing. She's ignoring us all.

Me: That's odd... Keep me updated. Let me know what happens when Candace arrives ok? 💋

Mi Amor: Okay 💋

I tried to ignore the panic that had begun to settle in me. I tried to get back to work but something felt wrong. Y/N pouts and gets mad but flat out ignoring Sebastian? Not even on her worse days. He had a special hold on her heart. I decided to leave and head back home. I tried to clear my head on the flight back across the coast but I failed. When the plane landed, my phone blew up with missed calls and messages from Candace and Vanessa. I called back Candace.

"OhmygoshLinshesgoneshesgonenooneintheroomjustgone!" Candace rushed through words. She sounded like she was crying and trying to breathe while explaining.

"Candace. Candace! Breathe. Breathe. Respira." I heard her take a breath. "Okay. Now what's going on?"

"Y/N is missing!" She screamed. My stomach dropped.


"She's missing, Lin!"

"Are you sure?"

"Vanessa said she didn't come out at all this morning. The door to her room was locked. We got the master key to open the door and she wasn't in there! Her phone was on the ground next to an open window! She could be anywhere!" Candace began to wheeze.

"Candace. Candace! I'm on my way back. We can figure it out."

"Okay. See you soon." Candace sniffled. I tried to remain calm as I got an Uber. I felt my eyes welling up with tears and knew my eyes probably looked red. I let myself get lost in my thoughts as the driver drove...


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