2. Greetings

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Johanna's mind was filled with questions once they stepped outside of his workplace.

He discussed the 'house rules' she should take note of during her stay. Like five minute showers only, cleaning up after herself, absolutely no swearing, and always attend Family Friday, where all people living under his roof spend time with each other for at least two hours once a week. "Catching up time" is something else he prefers to call it.

The girl's stomach sank as John continued in great detail about it.

Today was Friday.

Johanna and her mother never did such a thing. Her mother never dated much so devoted all her time working. Johanna ended up getting put into school a year early because of that. She didn't mind much, and learned how to become independent on doing things herself. She knew her mom was only working so hard to meet ends on raising a daughter by herself. It wasn't all bad, on those rare days, even when she was deadbeat tired, would come home and offer to watch a movie with with her. Johanna still recalls always looking over her shoulder and catching the tired woman's eyes start to flutter, the ciggerate drooping lower and lower, then her head snaping back up. The cycle repeated.

"I have a wife." John said, ripping Johanna from one of the few good memories she owned. She looked up at him as he opened the car door on his side. "And a son." He continued then got in. Johanna quickly copied him and got into the black vehicle.

Curiosity began to nip at her.

"Really?" Johanna asked, remembering him mention his son. She wasn't even envious of his other family. It was her mother that left him after all, didn't give him the chance to be a dad. He was oblivious of the life he had helped create. Johanna was furious with her at first when she got a little older to understand. But with time the girl came to accept her fate and forgave her, thankful her mother's love was strong enough to pull through to such a troublesome kid like her.

But of course, Bethany Wilson never did reveal to her daughter why she had ran away from her new life. In fact she never really talked about Johanna's father at all, only reciting to her daughter she had moved away from him while pregnant with her. That's all. No explanation for why. No matter how much Johanna had begged and begged. It was a secret she had taken to her death.

"Yeah," He replied, a warm smile she haven't seen since earlier reemerging. She could tell this man loved to brag about his family. John started the car and begin to pull out of the parking space. "I have the most beautiful baby boy, River, three years old but I already know he's gonna be a ladies man when he gets older. My wife Rebecca, now she's the talented one. An artist. We been together seven years yet still doesn't ceases to amaze me with her paintings.

His face scrunches up in slight disgust for a moment .

"Oh and a pet."

He wasn't looking at her but Johanna nodded. Nervousness crept up on her like a rag getting slowly soaked, she wondered just how his family would think of such a unwanted surprise.

"They're going to love you." He said, as if reading her mind.

"How do you know?" She asked doubtfully.

"My son is a lovable kid, always enjoys talking with new people and my wife is a very understanding person. As long as you respect the family and my rules, there's not going to be a problem at all." John reassured.

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