3. Picture Perfect

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"John. Who is this young lady?" The lovely woman questioned, a tight smile came upon her features as she turned to her husband.

Johanna could tell they practiced a lot because John had a false smile too. "Hey sweetheart." He praised, kissing her cheek before ruffling the small boy's mess of locks. He glanced over at the young girl and she wondered just what will he say to explain such a predicament.

"Rebecca, this here is Johanna. She will be staying with us for awhile."

Well, that's one way.

Johanna focused carefully for her reaction, but couldn't decipher even the slightest change. The girl couldn't tell anything from a straight face and that by itself unsettled her to the core. This woman knows the game well. Johanna observed, because she does the exact same thing in most situations. Which also means Rebecca is hiding her own skeletons in some locked up closet.

Quit over thinking things you fool. No one does that besides you. You just met the woman, give her a chance.

It must've been pure coincidence because right after her train of thought, Rebecca's smile widened, but her green eyes burned through John like coal. "Honey, you have a lot of explaining to do." She said, her voice was nice and soft but there was definitely authority in it.

He guiltily combed his fingers through his hair, avoiding her venomous gaze, but nodded in agreement nevertheless. "Trust me, us three will have a BIG conversation later on tonight."

Johanna sank lower in her seat as he mentioned this.

Rebecca gave a stern nod to her husband then pulled her attention towards the young girl. But this time she had a legitimate smile, it made her angelic beauty glow.

Johanna selfishly felt better all of a sudden, realizing that this woman was only mad at John, her anger not directed anywhere near her. "It's very nice to meet you. Excuse me if I seemed rude just a moment ago, I was a tad surprised is all. Please, would you like to come in? We would love the extra company."

Johanna took in a deep breath, trying to relax her nerves, then put on one of her own best smiles before stepping out of the car. Snowball excitedly jumped out of her lap and ran over to some nearby bushes.

"Mommy I want a cookie." The toddler whined suddenly. It was the first time Johanna heard his voice since she arrived.

"Ok munchkin what do you say first?" Rebecca cooed.

"Please!" River cheered as they entered the house.

John chuckled by his son's behavior, then looked over to where Johanna stood, awkward from the scene before her. "Cute isn't he?"

"Adorable." She answered honestly, walking up the classic stone stairs.

He grinned and opened the door wider for her. "Welcome to Sanibel Island, kid."

She muttered a thanks and causally strolled in. Now Johanna knew the house was going to be quiet spacious just by looking at it from the outside. But gosh, the exterior was HUGE. She gazed all around in aw, her old home would never even compete.

In a matter of seconds River's head popped out from a doorway further down, he slowly nibbled on a chocolate chip cookie as he studied her.

"Well hello cutie. How are you?" She asked in a friendly tone. His green eyes looked up innocently at her, he beamed shyly before hiding his face behind the door.

Psh, and that guy said this boy loves talking to people.

She thought for a moment.

He also said his wife was very understanding...

Johanna could hear Snowball start to loudly yap again. She spun around in time to see John finally come through the front threshold, the white ball of fluff secured in his grip. "Oh shut up you ankle biter," He piped, setting her down. "Next time you run away from me you'll be Chinese food." Snowball barked once more at him as if in defiance, then scurried off into one of the many doors there were.

"Little rat." He grumbled.

Johanna looked away from John and back to the toddler with the mess of blond curls, but he wasn't about anymore. The door was still left ajar, the only evidence he was even there just moments before.

"Here follow me. I'll show you where the guest room is." John said walking past her.

"Where's your wife?" She questioned as they both headed up the stairs.

"Rebecca? Probably picking a movie we are going to watch later for Family Friday." He searched for a light switch once they reached the top and flicked it on. The girl squinted by the sudden illumination, but her eyes quickly adjusted. The hallway was lined with doors on either side, but overall it was still pretty alluring.

His head shot back and forth until stopping at the third door to the right. "Ah ha. This is where you'll be sleeping." John quickly opened it and stepped in, ushering her along.

It was simply marvelous, she stared in awe at what was in front of her. A huge window that took up a whole wall, like a real life picture frame, exposed the outside world right before her eyes. The ocean was a dark blue, waves crashed upon worn beach rocks and children dared climbed on top of them. Maybe if Johanna didn't breathe she can hear the faint waves of the sea from here. The sky was just starting to turn vivid colors of blues and yellows, shadows were strewn across the nicely decorated room. She checked her cheap watch to see it was edging on 3:30.

"I don't know where Shelly put the spare pajamas but I'm trusting you have a set?" John asked, he placed her backpack on the queen size bed and turned to her.

"I have some." She answered, cocking her head to the side. Even though it was still quite bright out, the sun edged it's way on the other side of the house, so the glorious room was just getting dark enough to the point where it was hard see his face. "Who is Shelly?" Johanna questioned, striding over to turn on a lamp.

"Our maid. She's been working with my family for a very long time. You'll see her Monday."

The girl nodded her head, her attention quickly going elsewhere. She gazes around every part of the bedroom before walking over to the wooden dresser with small nicknacks on top of it.

She picks up the small seashell amongst it and smiles softly to herself.

I made it. I really made it. Mom are you seeing this from up there?

Johanna could see from the mirror in front of her John was still standing there, looking at her as she investigated her surroundings. "Alright," He said, breaking eye contact.

" You got a half hour to check out the place, bathroom is in here to the left if you want a shower... remember five minutes only this is a big house after all so take it easy on the water, and just come down for the movie after you're done kay?"


Satisfied he walked back to the doorway. "Oh. After River goes to bed don't forget," He grabbed the golden doorknob and refused to look at her. "-of that big discussion about a certain runway girl." Then simply walked out, shutting the door behind him.

Q: What state do you think the setting of this story takes place at?

Q: How do you feel about John's family?

Q: Where do you believe Johanna originally came from?

(Re-readers pretty please don't spoil it.)

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