4. Electric

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I knew it.

Johanna thought staring from the threshold. The bathroom was just equally as perfect like the rest of the house. Lavish white marble caked every diameter, intensifying the florescent lights. Angelic in a way.

Is this what heaven looks like?

She couldn't decide what she what she wanted more. A bubble bath from the tub carved deep into the magnificent marble floor, or a relaxing shower from the spacious glass box next to it. She picked the ladder and decided thirty minutes would be perfect for a shower.

What John didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

Johanna thought as she stripped from her baggy clothes, then padded over to it with a baffled expression.

How do I even open it?

The girl stood there in all her stark naked glory for a full minute, stumped from just the glass door. Goosebumps were beginning to form all over her body. Desperate for warmth she finally touched it and gasp as the door slid open.

"Whoah." Johanna's eyes widened. "Why would Mom ever want leave this place?" She questioned while stepping in. Thankfully the knobs where normal, labeling hot from cold but nothing too advanced.

Johanna sighed in complete bliss as hot water crusaded down her flesh. She reached for the shampoo bottle.

Maybe John has all the answers I always wanted.

Once she was done she tapped the glass like she done before, but nothing happened. Her eyebrows furrowed together, she tapped it again. Still, it remained shut. Johanna started to panic that she was trapped until her gaze landed down at the small handle connected from the inside.

I'm just going to assume the electricity get's shut off once the water is on. Smart.

The girl got out with haste, eager to dry herself off. She raided the closest cabinet and just as she hoped fluffy white towels were folded and piled nicely within. Johanna grabbed one, her fingers sinking into the cotton, and the first thing she did was burrow her face into it.

"Ah.. now this is the life." She said, her voice muffled. She looked up from the towel. "I could get use-"

She paused.

Laying on top of the other towels quite snugly, was a full bottle of rum. Johanna wrapped the towel she had around her body, then picked up the wide angler shaped glass by the handle and studied it. "What on earth?"

"Hey kid are you almost done in there?" John called from the other side of the door.

Johanna jumped in surprise, her fingers loosened and before she knew it the bottle slipped from her grasp.

It smashed against the marble floor, having no chance against gravity. Tiny glass pieces sprung up, slicing at her legs but Johanna barely noticed. The stench of strong alcohol wafted up her nose immediately, it was almost nauseating.

"Jesus fucking Christ." She whispered in horror.

"Hey! What's going on in there? I heard something break are you alright? I'm coming in right now!"

Johanna saw the door knob slowly turn, it begin to creak open.

"No don't!" She shouted, cowering a little. To her utter astonishment the door slammed right back shut. Johanna was so shocked and relieved she had trouble finding the right words for a second. "Le-let me get changed! It will only take a moment."

A simple alright was heard from the other side.

The girl quickly side-stepped the broken shards all scattered about and went straight for her discarded clothes. She slipped them on as fast as possible.

Great job Johanna, you're here one day- not even an hour and already you managed to screw up.

She walked over to the bathroom door, paused, then reached with a trembling hand to open it. John had his arms crossed against his chest, he stared down at her with cold blue eyes, a blank expression plastered onto his features. Johanna never thought of it until now, but his eyes make him even more intimidating. She didn't like that.

"So you found it, didn't you?" He asked, but it sounded more like a statement.

Johanna didn't know what to say, so she kept quiet. John sighed and walked passed her into the bathroom. He went over to yet another cabinet, rummaged through it before pulling out a small sweeper and dust pan.

"Yeah sorry about that, I forgot I hid this in here. Now I really hope you weren't having a blast with that bottle. It's been over hour already." He said, sweeping up shattered pieces there and here. He looked up at her. "That, or you went against my rule and took an extended shower."

Johanna glared down at the older man, more or less angry she had been caught than being accused of taking his rum. "No. I don't consume such things to alter my state of mind. I just happened to come across it and you just so happen to startle me into dropping it, as for the long shower yes I admit I am guilty of." She waved her hand down at the mess before her. "Why were you even hiding it here in the first place?"

"My son is just beginning to walk, I don't need him waddling around then finding my liquor."

"Oh. I guess that makes sense."

John swept the last bits into the dustpan and stood up tall. Without saying a word he walked over to the trash bin and dumped the remains.

"Um John?" Johanna questioned, feeling embarrassed about the whole situation.

John didn't look over at her, he seemed too preoccupied. "Now where did I put it?" He mumbled, walking out of the bathroom. Johanna stood there, wondering if he just left her until he came strolling back in, mop in hand.

"Yeah kid?" He finally asked, extending his arm out to her with the mop. She stared at it for a moment before it clicked, then grabbed the wooden handle.

"I uh, just wanted to say sorry for breaking that. It must've been very expensive. As for the shower part... I lost track of time. Sorry." Johanna moved her wet hair to the other side of her shoulder to prevent it from drenching her t-shirt even more, she can still feel water droplets gliding down her neck, soaking into the red fabric. John noticed this too.

He shook his head, a warm smile emerging. "That? Don't worry about it. I got plenty more locked away and safe from sticky fingers, or in this case slippery fingers. And I'll let the shower issue pass just this once."

Then just as fast as John's humorous side seeped out, his face went stern. "I expect this to be all cleaned up within five minutes. Understand? You're already late for the movie."

Johanna nodded, already mopping. "Yeah ok, ok."

"Jeesh, I need a drink already." John muttered walking out, she could see from the corner of her eye he was rubbing his temples generally.

Two things crossed her mind at that moment. One: John was secretly mad at her for breaking his belongings and for disobeying him. Two: Or the movie must really suck that bad.


Q: What shocked you most about this chapter?

Q: Why is Johanna so amazed with the house? Would you have the same reaction?

Q: How do you feel about the hidden alcohol?

(Re-readers pretty please don't spoil it.)

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