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So, I did the first thing that came into mind. Which... wasn't weird at all.

"Ahhgabahhaah.... Ah." I clear my throat.

I had literally just ran up to her, waving my hands in her face.
And what on earth did I say? What in God's name was the sound I just made?
I sounded like Satan just took over me.

She looked at me wide eyed, shocked and confused
Then she frowns at me.

I snap my hands back in my pockets and rock back on my heel.
"Ah, yeah, so there has been a little misunderstanding..."

She looks me up and down, then her brown eyes pierced into mine.
"Who are you?" She asks, crossing her hands over her chest.

I blinked the answers into my head. "Everton?"

"Are you sure?" She questions me.

"Yes. Ah yes. Definitely human, definitely Everton." I cringe at my words. What am I doing?

"Okay... well, where the hell did you appear out of?" She asks looking down the alley and out at the streets.

Out of a freaking egg shaped pod, looking like the one off 'Free Birds.'
But we were around long before  before turkeys. So technically they stole our idea.

Turkeys stole our idea? Did I put my brain in a blender when I woke up?

I cleaned my throat, this time, getting confident back. I have a job to do.
"I can't answer that. But you need to come with me."

She laughs. A really sweet laugh, but then it stops abruptly. "Your kidding right? Do you think I'd walk off with a complete stranger, that wasn't even sure of his own name? And if your trying to ask me out, then you need to take some dating lessons. But never mind that because just a second ago I met someone."

I chuckled.
"First of all, I do know my name, second, I'm not asking you out, and trust me, I know all about that kind of stuff." If only she knew. "And thirdly, your heart is running a mile when you saw that man didn't you? Exactly the reason why you need to come with me."

"Huh." She laughs a bit. "You know all about dating? I'll believe it when I see it, Mister. And uh, I don't just fall in love with a complete stranger, pfft that's ridiculous. And you have no right to... to tell me what to do!" She says in her angry voice. Geez this woman has some fire.

"Your funny. Feisty too." I smile, looking down at my iMatch. I tap onto to the screen to where we are stood. I found her profile, and read through it quickly.

"What... what are you doing?" She says trying to look at my iMatch.
I put my hands behind my back and smile.

"Well, Esma Yates, I have business to attend to. So you either come with me or I'll ring up your boss, Mr Grey, is it? Well, I'll tell him that you were too 'in love' to come into work today."

"How do you know my name? And you can't fire me from my own job! What are you? The job police?" She snaps. This is a lot harder than I thought.

"Fine. If you come with me, I'll tell you what I am, and I can tell you, my dear Esma, that I am no human." I say crossing my arms, looking her straight in the eye.

"You look like a human to me." She frowns. "Are you on drugs?" She whispers

"Why are you so stubborn? And do you mean like Panadol?" I ask, unfolding my arms.

"Why are you such a stalker! How do you know my name? What were you doing on that screen on your wrist? And no not Panadol, actual drugs!" She flys questions towards me angrily.

"Maybe this is why you haven't found your match... your a freaking mad woman!" I say accidentally.

"Excuse me? Your the one who's trying to take me somewhere, I could scream stranger danger right now." She has her hands on her hips this time.

I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. I take a deep breath and open my eyes to see her annoyed expression.

"I might need to add, 'short tempered' to your profile." I say as I start walking down the alley towards Nevi.

"What? My profile? What are you talking about? And I am not short-tempered!" She says following me.

"You ask a lot of questions."

"You don't give me any answers!" She fires back.

I reach Nevi, which of course is invisible to Esma. But I had an idea. I needed to act fast before this girl rips my throat out.

"Esma, meet Nevi." I simply say as I turn off the invisibility shield on the outside of the pod.

The circular pod comes to life. Lighting up in white, with a small step to go inside.
"Hello." Nevi speaks.

"What on earth..." Esma stands completely shocked. Like she'd seen Santa dancing around with no clothes on. Okay... let's not imagine that.

Shit I imagined it.
I shook that out of my head, looking back at Esma.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing, she mumbled a few words before pointing at the pod. "Is this yours? Where did it come from? Is this real? Am I going into the future?"

"She asks a lot of questions." Nevi speaks.

"Tell me about it." I commented bluntly.

"Can you at least answer one of my questions?" She asked, raising  her eyebrows. "Are we going to the future? Like the movie?"

"Movie? What movie? But no not the future." I say.

"You've never seen Back To The Future? Do you like under a rock?" She pushes.

I frown. "No and why would I want to live under a rock?"

She stares at me, jaw dropped. "Your really not from here, are you?"

I looked towards Nevi, like I was wanting her opinion, but of course I was on my own this time.
I guess if she's coming to Cupid's Headquarters, than she's going to know the truth anyway.
Looking down at the floor, I shifted my feet.

"Well?" She pushes.

I clear my throat, ready for her not to believe a single word I say.

"I'm a cupid."

She looks at me like I'm stupid. "And I'm pink bunny rabbit."

I chuckled at her joke and crossed my arms over my chest.

She looks at the pod, then back to me, as though she if finally believing what she's seeing.

"Prove it then, Cupid boy."

"As you wish." I smile, bringing my white wings behind my back, to life.

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