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The days flew by, faster than the computer system was finding Esma's match.

Down to twenty-six days.

Esma was sitting next to me spinning around in circles on the chair while I stare at the computer.

"His name is Adam, by the way." She informs me. "And without the repellent, he is extremely nice, mind you."

I raise an eyebrow but keep my eyes on the screen. "I already know his name."

"Then why not say it?" She asks me, putting the chair to a stop.

I decided to play around with her. "Well, I just saw when you spoke to him for the first time, that he rejected you on the spot. I felt quite sorry for you."

"Ever think it was you that made him reject me, asshat." She glares as I turn to smile at her.

"I'm joking, chestnut."

"Che-Chestnut?" She drowned out of confusion.

"Hair. Looks nice down." I nod looking back to the screen.

"Are-are you- why are you complementing me?" She looks taken back. Shocked. Confused.

"I can't complement a girl now?"

"You can. But you've never complemented me before." She says.

I frown and slightly nod. "Huh, maybe I thought you weren't a girl... that would make more sense." I joke, looking at Esma at the corner of my eye.

"Andddddd Everton is back again." She rolls her eyes.
"So what does this computer thing do anyway?"

I drag my finger along the small pad, which caused motion to the arrow on the screen.
"This is the Matchmaking System. Looks like any other computer but it does have a few other features."

"Such as there's no mouse." Esma pointed out. "And no keyboard."

"Yes." I nod. I move my finger, placing the mouse onto the flicking of profiles. "This is where the system searches through hundreds of people that are living in the same country as you. When it doesn't find a match, then it moves onto the next couple of countries. But it's rare that people are matched with others outside of their country."

Esma nods understandably.

"Australia is coloured red on the map." I say, showing her the countries below the profiles.
"That's how we know what country it's searching through."

"What if it's gone through all the countries and it still doesn't find a match?" Esma asks me, leaning her elbow on the table.

I stare at the screen. The system hums, growing warm to find her match. But one after another, the Australian land turns back to grey as another country lights up.
No matches are found here.

"Then it searches the Cupid world."


I was starting to think that I've gone crazy. Like a Luna Lovegood kind of crazy.

Ever since I got involved with this... other world, my mind has gone completely unhinged.
One thing that you thought wasn't true, a myth, false or in the past- actually came true.

Starting with Eros and the flying love people.


Freaking Cupids.

Out of everything that can be true.
What about unicorns or dragons or even Wizards? Why aren't they true?

Don't get me wrong. This is the most amazing part of my entire existence. But soon that will all be disappearing.

Even with Everton, I enjoy every moment of that world.
And I must admit, all the Cupid's I've seen are incredibly good looking.

When I saw the red country of America light up, I sighed. I looked down at my hands fidgeting in my seat. If my match is in America, then will I have to go there? Or will he come here?

It's still hard to believe all this. Even now.
I'm still sane, even if I'm in love with someone who doesn't love me back. Never will. Adam.

But my open mind, allows me to pull myself away from my thoughts about him. If it wasn't for me sitting here in the Cupid world, then I'd be desperately wanting his attention, love and time.

"Then it searches the Cupid world." Everton's soft voice spoke.

I look up, confused, but a part of me hoping that it would allow me to stay and live in this dimension.
But of course, there's millions of people in the world, not millions of Cupid's.

"Has that ever happened before?" I ask curiously but already knowing the answer.

I felt his eyes on me, sensing my curious hopeful tone.

"Rare. But possible. If the Cupid's don't reproduce with the human world, then there will be hardly any of us here." He says to me.

A small glimpse of hope lights up inside me.

"I guess we will leave the system to do it's thing. We have twenty-six days left." Everton says, turning towards me.
His hair was longer than when I first met him. Instead of spiked up a bit at the front, it's curving to the side.

Wait why am I looking at his hair?

I followed him out the Matching room, into the lift.
This time, I watched as he pressed the ground floor button.
I've never actually been out of the building before. We have only been floating above the ground in the pod.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Well I figure that I'll show you something other than this massive building." He smiles.

The ground floor was empty with only a few winged creatures entering in and out.
Two more lifts where placed on the right side of the building. The floor was surrounded by glass windows and a huge sliding glass door with patterns of ice flakes.
A map and a list of places were written on the huge screen on one of the windows.

"The screen can be viewed from the inside and the outside."
Everton told me.

"That's amazing." I say speechless at everything I see.

My heart beats faster as we walk towards the huge door.
I can already see what lays on the outside of the glass.

And once Everton pushed open the doors steel handles, I wasn't just believing, I was seeing.

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