Chapter 6

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"The test will consist of several different challenges, most dealing with magical affinity. If you fail even one of the tests, you'll die, heir of Peverell or not." Cadmus explained. Hadrian nodded, and stood on the podium in front of him.

"For the first test you don't have to do anything, we're just testing your affinity to the dark arts and other forms of magic. If you don't think your magic is dark, you can stop now and not become the Lord, but you will live." Ignotus said, wand in hand.

"Tch. Get on with it already." Hadrian snapped. Ignotus nodded, and waved his wand, saying a long incantation. The next thing Hadrian knew, he was in a large bubble that was changing colors rapidly. Eventually, the bubble slowed to a dark grey, and then black. The group of people nodded, and Ignotus let Hadrian out.

"Your affinity is 100% dark. You have affinities to Transfiguration, defensive spells, offensive spells, and potions, and have the potential to become an animagus. That is all I could gather from the test, however keep in mind that this does not include any inheritance that you have received from blood." He told Hadrian, and stepped back to allow Antioch room for the next test.

"The next test will be judging whether or not you have magical creature blood in your veins. If you are related to all those families, you should have some vampire, incubus or succubus, or veela blood in you." After he said this, Antioch threw a spell at Hadrian and watched as the spell took effect. "This spell brings out any creature blood you have in you for a short amount of time. The effects will wear off soon." He explained as Hadrian's whole body changed.

His hair, which usually was short and had a nice wave to it, grew longer until it was to the middle of his back, still keeping the silky consistency. His skin became even paler, and he grew taller to about 5'3", compared to his usual 5'0", still tall for a 10 almost 11 year old boy. His canines also grew longer, until they were actual fangs. When the transformation was done, Antioch looked over Hadrian and turned to the group.

"Vampire and Veela, as well as something else I can not discern." He said, and Hadrian soon began reverting to his normal self. His ancestors nodded again, and Antioch stepped back. Cadmus took his place, and explained the next test.

"The next test will be mental capabilities. You'll need to keep me out of your mind for as long as you can, or push me out completely." He told Hadrian. He nodded, and prepared for the attack.

It was unexpected, to say the least, when instead of pushing and prodding, Cadmus caressed his mind, soothing it and making it relax. It was only Hadrian's will to get this over with that gave him the power to shove Cadmus out. And even then, Cadmus did not give up with trying to seduce his mind into access. Hadrian could feel himself losing, and tried to find something that would help.

And then he felt it, a small presence in his mind that felt safe and secure. He reached out to it, and felt Cadmus forcibly pushed out of his mind.

When Hadrian came to, Cadmus was staring at him with a strange look on his face.

"How did I do?" Hadrian asked.

"Wonderfully. No one has ever been able to completely force me out of their minds. I am the best Legilimens that has ever existed." Cadmus replied.

"Anyways, for the next test you will be tested on your knowledge. Cadmus will enter your mind and look through your experiences, and judge whether or not you are ready. You have a disadvantage because of your age, compared to the thirty year old men that take this test." Ignotus explained.

"Whatever, I don't care." Hadrian said. Cadmus sighed.

"I'll need you to open your mind to me. Since you're a natural occlumens, I can't just enter your mind."

"...Fine." Hadrian said after a pause. He didn't want anyone entering his mind and seeing what happened at the Dursleys, but he had to become the lord of these houses.

Cadmus looked Hadrian in the eyes, and he felt his prodding. Hadrian took down his shields for him, and felt as Cadmus sorted through his memories.

When he retreated from Hadrian's mind, Cadmus turned to Ignotus and Antioch and whispered in their ears.

Ignotus addressed Hadrian and told him the results.

"You pass." Was all he said.

"This is the last test - pain tolerance. It is essential for a lord to be able to take pain for the family, no matter how much it is. The Blacks are considered dark, so you will face discrimination and bias. You must be prepared for this." Antioch said. Hadrian nodded.

"The only thing you need to do is stay conscious while I cast the cruciatus curse." He explained while leveling his wand at Hadrian's chest. "Ready?" Not waiting for a reply, Antioch yelled out 'Crucio' and watched as Hadrian felt to the ground, shaking.


In his life, Hadrian had experienced more pain than the ordinary adult. That pain, at least the physical, was inflicted using Muggle instruments. He had never experienced magically inflicted pain.

Pain done by Muggles burned, it felt like your skin was being pulled off your body. Pain from magic was excruciating. It felt like your insides were being wedged out without even touching the skin. It made a minute feel like hours, days even. And one small touch felt like an agonizingly long drench that was cut in your body. So really, Muggles had a long way to go when it came to torture.

Hadrian managed to stay awake for two minutes before he past out. The surprising thing, though, was that he hadn't screamed once. Not even a whimper. This made the Peverell brothers and the Black ancestors rethink their decision of not letting Hadrian become lord.

"He managed to pass all the tests, besides the pain though. But even then, he didn't make a single noise." Antioch mentioned.

"True, but he still didn't pass the test. We cannot make an exception like this."


Okay, so I haven't updated in like, forever, so many apologies from me. I am DEEPLY sorry, but with finals and everything, homework and studying has been my highest priority. Gotta keep those straight A's, ya? Anyways, I hope you guys liked it, and hopefully the next chapter will be up before school is out.


Amber Silverwood

Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora