Chapter 39

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The months continued on in an endless cycle of the same thing over and over again. Wake up, eat, read, train, eat, sleep, and repeat. His father did his best to make things a bit more exciting, by taking him to Paris, Japan, America, and Australia, but they did little to brighten his days. His father apparently had an explanation, though.

"Hadrian, I understand that you have been rather bored lately." Marvolo started.

"No, I've been having the time of my life." Hadrian stated sarcastically. Marvolo stared, unamused.

"You miss him, do you not?" He asked. Hadrian stared in confusion. "You miss Death."

"That sounded wierd." Hadrian muttered.

"You do though. You had grown dependent on him, and then he left. I am correct, yes?" Marvolo continued. Hadrian twitched in his seat, irritated.

"Father, I hardly think this is-"

"But it is." Marvolo cut in. Hadrian narrowed his eyes, not liking where this was going.

"I have things to do." He muttered, standing up and leaving his father's room.

"Hadri-" Hadrian shut the door, cutting him off. He stalked down the halls to his room, a dark aura surrounding him.

Entering his room, he kicked the door shut and sat at his desk, silent.

"I need a break." He muttered, before disappearing into the shadows right before the door opened and his father walked in.


Hadrian appeared in France, frustrated and exhausted. He entered a hotel, and approached the desk.

"Donnez-moi une chambre." He muttered to man, handing a few galleons on the table.

"Chambre 666." The man replied, handing him a set of keys.

"Merci." Hadrian said, and walked off.

After finding his room and entering, Hadrian immediately lied down on the bed and closed his eyes, not bothering to change.


Hadrian awoke to singing birds and a bright sun the next day, and groggily got up from the bed to prepare for the day.

Changing from the robes he had been wearing to nice dress robes with a flick of his hand, he called to Zolton and ate the breakfast he was given.

"The newspaper, from both France and England." Zolton said, handing him two papers. Hadrian grabbed the French one first, the headline catching his attention.

Tournoi des Trois Sorciers, qui se tiendra en Angleterre et Hogwarts! It read, shocking Hadrian. The Triwizard tournament was not mentioned anywhere in the England newspaper, so why was it here?

He went downstairs, going to ask the clerk at the desk.

"Pourquoi le Tournois des Trois Sorciers n'est-il pas mentionné en Angleterre?" He asked, resting his arms on the table. The man laughed, leaning back in his chair and running out of breath.

"Ils pensent qu'ils sont si forts qu'ils n'ont pas besoin de s'entraîner!" The man exclaimed, throwing his head back yet again in laughter.

"Merci." Hadrian muttered, walking away.

Dumbledore was such a fool, Hadrian thought. England would not win the cup if no one even knew about it. Unless, of course, he manipulated some poor kid to cheat. Which he wouldn't be surprised if actually happened.

He walked the rest of the way to his room, contemplating his next move. He could enter his name into the tournament to make sure nothing happened to anyone else, but that may be what Dumbledore would be trying to do. In that case, he would get some random Gryffindor to do it, and hope that France or Bulgaria was kind enough to not kill them. Maybe.


Donnez-moi une chambre - Give me a room

Chambre 666 - Room 666

Merci - Thanks

Tournoi des Trois Sorciers, qui se tiendra en Angleterre et Hogwarts - Triwizard tournament to be held in England at Hogwarts

Pourquoi le Tournois des Trois Sorciers n'est-il pas mentionné en Angleterre? - Why isn't the Triwizard Tournament mentioned in England?

Ils pensent qu'ils sont si forts qu'ils n'ont pas besoin de s'entraîner! - They think they're so strong that they don't need to train!

Sorry if I got any of the translations wrong! Google can't always be trusted.

I am soooooo sorry everyone! I got sick awhile ago and couldn't stop sleeping (a horrible flu), so I wasn't able to update. However, I was just barely able to get this one in without throwing up on my kindle, so yay! Hope you all liked it, and sorry it was so short!

Amber Silverwood

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