Chapter 7

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When Hadrian awoke, he was lying on his bed in the master bedroom.

"Zolton." He called out.

"Yes, young master." Zolton said as he popped into the room.

"How did I get here?"

"I saw you on the floor, and took you here. My apologies if that was not to your liking."

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Hadrian replied. He scooted over to the edge of the bed and swung his legs over. When he stood, his back exploded in pain and he fell to the floor.

"I will get a potion for you." Zolton said, and popped out of the room. Five seconds later he was back with a pain reliever, and gave it to Hadrian. He chugged it down, gagging a bit at the horrid taste, but immediately felt better and was able to stand up.

"Thank you Zolton. You are a good elf." Hadrian said.


After having breakfast and walking around the manor a bit, Hadrian was pulled back into the portrait of the Peverells.

"You could not pass the last test of pain," Cadmus started. Hadrian clenched his hand in anger. "However you didn't utter a single sound. For that you have our utmost respect. And for this, you have been gifted with the titles Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Black, and Lord of the Ancient and Genteel House of Peverell. Congratulations, young lord." He finished. Antioch stepped forward with two rings in his hand, and held them out to Hadrian.

"The ones you have are fakes that we made to track the one who got them. These are the lordship rings." He said. Hadrian took off the rings he had from the chain, and replaced them with the ones in Antioch's hand.

"Thank you." Hadrian said gratefully. He was then pulled out of the portrait and back into the world of the living.

"Zolton!" He called.

"Yes master."

"Get my cloak. It is time the houses of Black, Peverell, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Potter came back into the politics of the wizarding world."


Hadrian had expected for this to happen for awhile now. Nothing could change the outcome, and he didn't even want to. So when he got his Hogwarts letter, Hadrian responded as a pureblood such as he should.

Professor Minerva McGonaggal of Hogwarts

Thank you very much for the invitation to complete my educational development at this prestigious school. As the lord of five different families and heir to two, it would be my honor to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the next seven years. I am not in need of an escort, however I appreciate the concern you have for all students, regardless of status.


Hadrian Salazar Riddle

Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Black

Lord of the Ancient and Genteel House of Peverell

Lord of the Great and Noble House of Potter

Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Gryffindor

Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Ravenclaw

Heir to the Ancient and Genteel House of Slytherin

Heir to the Great and Genteel House of Riddle

Hadrian sighed. It was good to make first impressions, even if it meant Dumbledore keeping a very close eye on him.

Hadrian sealed the letter with the seal of Slytherin, since the Riddle seal was less recognizable. He let the barn owl that had sent the letter take his response and watched as it flew out the window of his study.

"Dinner, Master Hadrian." Saber said as she held out the plate of food. Hadrian took it and grabbed the utensils. He turned the knife in his hand, and suddenly flung it at the wall, watching as it imbedded deep within the wood. He took the plate and walked out of the room, leaving a picture of Albus Dumbledore on the wall, now with a knife in his head.

"I will be the one to watch the life leave your eyes, Dumbledore. Not even my father can stop that from happening."


I am soooooo sooooo sorry that it took so long! I recently started watching an anime called Vampire Knight, and I'm addicted now. Anyone out there who watches it, Kaname is the best! No one can change my mind! Anyways, hopefully I will have the next chapter up by the end of the month, but I won't make any promises. Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

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