Chapter 41

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The night that the goblet was open for entering came, and half of the room was filled with foolish Gryffindor's daring each other to enter. The Weasley twins then came in, carrying a potion and flaunting their work to all. Hadrian remained in the shadows, watching.

In perfect harmony, the twins drank the potion and hopped in the circle, still for a moment. Finally, the Gryffindors cheared as they put their names in the cup, grinning, before being thrown out by Dumbledore's magic. Angry, the twins tackled each other, a circle forming around them.

Hadrian left the comfort of the shadows, stepping into the dark room and unnoticed by the other students. He stalked around the circle, analyzing the magic surrounding it.

The magic itself was blaring white, courtesy of Dumbledore, but the cup was surprisingly dark. It wasn't easy to see, what with Dumbledore's magic, but he could faintly see the outline of the dark magic. Merging with the shadows yet again, he reappeared in the circle and touched the cup, his body halfway in the shadows.

The cup hummed when he touched it, and magic flowed from it, almost as if it were alive. Reaching out with his own in curiosity, he quickly recoiled as the magic turned aggressive and pulled some of his own in.

Shocked, he slid back into the shadows and waited for his heartbeat to slow after the panic he experienced.

Great. This is just... brilliant.


"The Champion for Beaxbatons, Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore exclaimed, cheers coming from the French ladies. Hadrian eyed the young woman who stood up, examining her magic.

It was rather light, but not as blaring white as Dumbledore's. She had gentle features, and seemed to be fairly powerful. But not enough to win.

"The Champion from Durmstrang, Viktor Krum!" He continued.

A burly man stood up, the people surrounding him patting him on the back, and walked up to Dumbledore and went to the area that Fleur had gone.

His magic was much darker, and he was noticeably more powerful than Fleur. The feel of his magic insinuated that he had cast at least one of the Unforgivables before, which gave him an advantage in the tournament.

The students silenced once again as Dumbledore reached for the paper that had flown out of the cup.

"And the champion from Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory!" Hadrian cursed in frustration. A Hufflepuff. He had been hoping that one of the Slytherins would get picked, as they would be least likely to get injured, but now it was almost guarenteed that a student would get seriously hurt.

Dumbledore began his closing words, but was interrupted when the cup spat out yet another piece of parchment.

"Hadrian Riddle." Dumbledore muttered in astonishment. Hadrian's head snapped up, hearing the faint words that the students hadn't heard. "Hadrian Riddle." Dumbledore spoke up this time, looking around the room.

"I was right." Hadrian whispered in astonishment. "It's living."

"Hadrian Riddle!" Dumbledore roared, eyes blazing with anger.

Hadrian elegantly stood up, crossing the room towards the old man. Raising his occlumency shields, he locked eyes with Dumbledore and remained calm, even with the eyes burning holes in the back of his head from the Gryffindors.

"Did you put your name in the cup?" Dumbledore asked angrily.

"No, however I am assuming that you didn't bother 'noticing' that the cup is living. And that with even one touch of magic, the cup will decide if it likes you or not." Hadrian replied with not a hint of emotion in his voice.

"So you did." Dumbledore growled.

"How was I supposed to know that it would take my magical signature?!" Hadrian snapped, whispering quietly. "You're the one who should have told us how the thing works! Not me!"

"Go with the other champions then. You are apart of this competition now." Dumbledore finished, and shoved him over to the doors.

"Useless piece of cow dung. Can't see truth if it were right in front of him in a blaring sign made of candy canes and lemon drops." Hadrian muttered, hands shoved in his pocket while walking down the stairs.

The other champions looked up as he entered, Cedric walking over to him.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

Cedric was one of the students that often went to him for help, despite being younger. Even though he hadn't learned the material before, Hadrian was often able to help by glancing and learning it himself.

"Ask Dumbledore. He's the one who messed up." Hadrian muttered in complaint.

"What do you mean?" Cedric started, before Dumbledore came barreling through the doors with the other school heads behind him.

"We can't exactly take him out, he is bound by a magical contract." The Beaxbatons headmistress stated.

"He's just a boy." McGonaggal cried. Hadrian looked over at her, seeing the distress of her face. He would not have expected her to side with him, a Slytherin and the son of Voldemort. Perhaps she was different.

"Why don't we let the boy decide?" Snape drawled, glaring at the others.

"Hadrian?" Dumbledore asked, going over to him.

"I'd rather not have my magic taken from me, so I will participate." Hadrian stated, staring straight into Dumbledore's eyes.

"Very well then. Let us begin."


I. Hate. History. No, actually I don't hate history, I hate my teacher. She assigned four projects, each worth 50 points, and gave us two weeks to complete all of them. But anyways, I won't give you guys any excuses as to why I haven't uploaded in awhile. I'm just sucky at uploading. Gomen!

Amber Silverwood

Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now