Chpter 7:the wedding

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Andrea Frause's Pov

I stared at the diamond ring in my finger for hours now while Louie put my make up on

Its been 3 months since the proposal and now it's my wedding day

My mother finally came and she planned everything!

They wanted this wedding to be grand!the grandest wedding in the world will ever see!

I asked for a private wedding but they disagreed,they wanted to show the world their new son in law

My mother left to get treatment for her heart after fighting with my father about the marriage with Fabian.Im glad she's better.

I heard a sob beside me I stared at the mirror and saw Nana drying her tears

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Hija you are finally marrying the man of your dreams" she said between her sobs

I raised an eyebrow
The man of my what?

"What?" I asked in a low laugh

"A man with green eyes,black hair and a face that turns women's always told me that" she said causing Louie to choke

I mentally cringed remembering how I prayed for it every night...but now thing have turned

"I was talking about the other one" I murmured and Louie seemed to hear it hence him hitting my shoulder

"What ?" Nana asked

I smiled and shook my head

"You're right" I lied in a smile

Louie gulped some water and continued to brush my face with color

After minutes,he put down the brush and he stood admiring his creation

A gasp was heard and I saw my Mother with a surprised look

"My Goodness!" She exclaimed and hugged me

"You look beautiful" she sobbed with Nana

If only you know.This marriage is not what you think it is

I thought looking at the two people crying in joy

"Okay...Tilly said we have to go to the church" Louie said snapping his fingers breaking the atmosphere

I walked and rode the white limousine with gold details and flowers

I sat and took a gulp of a glass of wine calming my nerves

Niccolo Davide Romano

"Niccolo!" A voice I did not want to hear beamed while I fix my bow tie

I faced the woman who angeringly have thesame eyes as I have

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"What?my son is getting married" she said in a smile


"Son?don't make me laugh" I replied coldly killing the enthusiasm in her eyes

"Niccolo..." Domenic warned

"What?" I smirked enjoying his eyes started to blaze with fire

I shifted my gaze to the woman

"I am not your son,I will never will be.You threw me away Madam I must tell you,you are in a stranger's wedding...please leave" I said

Next thing hands grabbed my collar and pinned me on the wall

"Niccolo!" He gritted my name in his teeth in great anger while his eyes are determined to kill me

How cute
I laughed and harshly tapped his cheek

"What?you gonna kill me?Brother I advice you to remove your hand,my shirt is getting wrinkled,I will not look good for my wife...I do not want to kill someone in my wedding day"

His grip loosened and walked away furious

I returned to the mirror and fixed my shirt while I can see the woman crying

"On second can stay,upon my mercy" I said and exited the room

"Its time for your entrance" Adriano Forteza,my very trusted man informed

I nodded and left without looking at the woman behind me

I watched my bride walk the aisle wearing a beautiful laced white dress showing the beauty of her body.Her face is not clearly seen with the veil covering it.Her golden hair pushed to her back,her shoulder is bare showing her glowing skin.

I was still while I watched her,completely mesmerized by her beauty


I have to have her...again
I thought

And I will definitely will

I am Niccolo Romano After all

I cannot assure this is pure business...for maybe a week

"You may kiss the bride"

I smiled and lift her veil

I thought silently looking at her angelic face

I hooked her waist and kissed her getting hungry from just looking at her lips

She stiffened for a while but gave in knowing the role to play

I drawed back knowing what will happen if I stayed longer,I must say this is nit the place for it

The people applauded as cameras clicked

Domenic Madrigal's Pov

I silently cursed while I stood my mother from the floor

"Lets go home" I said

I furrowed my eyebrows when she shook her head


"I will's his wedding day" she said

"Mama!did you hear the words he told you?!?" I asked in disbelief

"I do not care hijo...I will stay" she said firmly walking out

I watched her in pain while she exit the room

Fuck that bastard!


We sat in the church while this marriage took place

I watched her walk down the aisle in anger and pity

She still did it huh?what a desperate woman!
I silently exclaimed

I never thought she will go this far!

Aftet years of following me,here she is married to my brother...


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