Chapter 47:The Good bye

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Andrea Frause's Pov

I finally stood from the corner and started to change into the dry clothes but my thoughts are still in a daze.

I was drying my hair with a towel when I heard the door open.

My heart jumped in joy as a load dropped off of my chest seeing Niccolo

I put the towel down and hugged him his hands traveled to my waist and pulled my closer.I heard him let out a dreaded breath

"What's wrong?"I asked

"I shouldn't have confessed"He said

"What?"I asked

Is he regretting everything?

"If I didn't tell you how I felt,you wouldn't come back"he said

"Niccolo please dont say that"I said shaking my head holding him

"And now I have brought you danger"

Tears streamed down my cheeks listening to his regrets

"It was my choice"I said pointing at myself"I came back despite the danger"I said

"You don't understand Andrea t-this man is greater than what I am,I am fool to think that I can protect you but the only way I can protect you is to send you away and forget you"I can not believe the words coming out of his mouth

"No please No"I pleaded holding his hand

I thought I will live a happy life with him longer but I was wrong it lasted very shortly.

"If I would've known you are the person who will love me I should've turned down you business proposal in that party before"

His words crushed my heart causing me to go speechless as my tears streamed down my cheek.My chest is hurting again

"Im sorry"His eyes met mine

"No"I shook my head"I don't forgive you"I cried

"You are to leave with Adis tonight and leave"

His hurtful words followed by another and another breaking my heart to pieces

My hand climbed to my mouth and shook my head

"So you're gonna let me leave?"I asked

"It's the only way I can protect you"He said

"I am here willing to face death with you but here you are being a coward"Words spurted out of my mouth

" deserve better,you will meet someone soon,you deserve to experience lots of things and I'd rather be a coward than to let you die seizing those things away from you.You can not waste your life for someone like me"

"No I want you,I dont want those"I replied pouring my heart out

"Andrea...I am very happy I met you..."He started talking

"No stop"I said,I dont want him to say his goodbyes.So I ran not knowing where but I was led in the rooftop

"Andrea"He sounded behind me

"D-dont come any closer"I warned feeling the rain hide my tears.My knees weakened so I sat on the ground,he stood before me.I looked at his eyes and saw there is no changing his mind

"Even if you are away,your name is scarred on my heart.No matter where you are in the world I will always be watching you...Its better than not seeing you at all"His words sent a slight relief in my heart

I sat there for a while then cried,after a moment everything sunk in. I started to accept it against my will

"W-will you dance with me for the last time?"I asked him

He looked at me for a second then followed by a smile

I kept my head down while we danced in the rain.I sobbed remembering the first time we danced

My hand moved to his waist and hugged him crying

"We better go in"He said

we walked inside the room,I never let go of his hand.

we saw Adis inside the room and on the bed were robes

her eyes held sadness for me

"Right Niccolo we better take that bullet out let Andrea change into her robe and get her clothes dried in my room,you change later after I get that out,I'll be outside."

I took my clothes and about to go to the bathroom but he pulled me.His eyes stared intently into mine and started to unbutton my top and changed my clothes to my robe for me.He tucked a stand of hair behind my ear then wiped my tear.

"I love you"He whispered increasing my tears

"You should stay out for this its not pretty to watch"he said

I nodded then found Adis outside

She held my shoulder and let out a weak smile  then giving me her key then walked in closing the door.

I stayed in her room hugging my knees listening to the rain and the dryer while I cried

This is it then...I never thought my happiness will last this shortly

I changed into my dry  clothes and waited later Adis came in

I followed her and the three of us are inside our room

"We can not leave tonight"she informed

"Really?"I asked silently thanking God

"Cesare blocked the airport and all the possible exits"she said

He blocked an airport??he can do that?I hope he keeps it closed for a little while more

I thought selfishly

"He is enjoying this chasing game,but until tomorrow morning only,he will kill Andrea tonight"I was silenced

"As soon as the sun rises tomorrow and the airport is open a jet will be waiting to get her out and you will do your part"She said looking at Niccolo"But for now we stay here and hope he will not find us until then"she said her eyes showed little confidence in her statement.She stood up

"I'll keep watch"she said then stepped out.

I stood from the bed where Niccolo lay on and to the couch

"Come here"he ordered

I shook my head in reply.Being close with him will hurt more when I leave

"What's the point?"We will leave each other anyways so what's the point doing this now?"I asked

he let out a laugh

"Mrs.Andrea Romano Come here right now"he ordered in a smile sending daggers in my chest

I stood up and sat beside him.

He groaned trying to sit up but he failed and back to laying down

"Ow that hurts"he said

"What do you want to do?"I asked

"I  wanted to kiss you"he said honestly

My heart pounded but broke at the same time

"You could've asked"My mouth moved

"Well then would you please lean closer?"he asked

I leaned closer and felt his lips on mine then again my eyes watered.His hand moved to my nape and pulled me closer.I felt  electricity as we kissed like the very first time he kissed me in high school.His affection poured in his lips.

I just wish time would freeze at this moment just for a little while

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