Chapter 35:Cold

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Andrea Frause's Pov

I jolted up from my bed surprised to see myself in my room and not the streets or something

How did I get in here?

I stood up and found myself still wearing my clothes last night

As I got downstairs I froze seeing Niccolo sitting in the kitchen not even bothering to look at me or greet me like befo—oh yeah he was playing then

I sat  across him and asked

"how did I get here?"

His scary cold eyes looked at me passively

"you drove yourself here Miss Frause"

Miss Frause?

"and fortunately you didn't crash my car that car costs a lot you cant afford it"

I rose an eyebrow

"excuse me,what?"

He looked at me then stood

"by the way I dismissed Mama and Rhius we will be joined by a new keeper"he informed

"What?"I asked,Why did he dismiss them?

"Why did you dismiss them?"I voiced my curiosity with a tone of shock and disbelief

He looked at me

"Because I want to this is still my house I have the power to do it,you are just my business partner"He said silencing me

Oh right...


I turned to look at the woman who entered and my heart broke even more  seeing a woman with red hair,the maid back when we were in his parent's house

My chest hurt with a painful lump in my throat my tongue froze

"Oh,hello welcome"I forced out of me"Excuse me"I said and walked out

I'm alone...again

He is really hurting me intentionally...

I wiped my tears and stood tall thinking about why entered this agreement in the first place

I went back inside seeing them leaning on each other's forehead while she drew on his chest with a giggle

My eyebrows furrowed on their own and my chest weakened,I walked pass them and went to my room.And cried while I took a shower,all the memories of the times before when he was still looking at me.Well men are like that once they took what they wanted they look at somebody else but why do I still like him?When someone ignores you shouldn't you ignore them back?and not be pathetic silently asking for them to look at you once more?

I put on square black pants and a white long sleeved fitted shirt.Tied my hair in a low pony tail and put on my make up.The schedule of the opening is assistant has already arranged everything. That's what I am about to inform him a while ago but he was busy.


I cut the ribbon with a proud smile while cameras flashed.Romano stood beside me circling my waist.

I wished time would slow down so I can feel him holding me longer but sadly that can not happen.After the cameras has calmed down his arms let go.

Then my following days were cold and harsh

he is a very harsh man

Flirting and kissing was a view I see everyday not only with Lily but I see women in his car,in his office...

He was colder and insulting everyday

Yes he has more money than him but does he really need to insult me?

I entered the house and saw Lily wiping the counter tops

"Hey"She rudely called

I turned to face her

"You  want tips I could give you some"She said

"What?"I asked in confusion

"You're really slow are you?"She put the cloth down

"tsk tsk you cant even seduce your husband,he literally called me here to live with you.A mistress is living inside your walls and cant do anything"She said in a mocking laugh

I just stared at her not giving a fuck about what she is saying 

"Are you done?"I asked

"You a rude one eh?"She smirked this would teach you a lesson and she landed a slap on my face

my eyes circled in surprise so I pushed her.

She stepped on a wet spot on the marbled causing her to fall her arms whirl winded tumbling a glass on the counter top causing it to fall breaking on the floor where her palms landed.The while marble was smeared with her blood.She screamed and cried

"Whats the going on here?"Romano's voice sounded as soon as he saw Lily on the ground his eyes climbed to me with the wrong idea

"She did this to me"Lily cried


"She is lying"I said

"What the hell did you do?"He asked helping Lily up

"She slapped me so I pushed her but she broke the glass and landed on it"I defended honestly

"She is lying, I was just cleaning then out of the blue s"Lily said

"Are you alright?"He asked her,Lily smiled looking at me

"Niccolo why wont you believe me?"I asked while my cheek was throbbing

"Why do you keep on lying?Andrea why would you do this?You are dangerous good thing I dismissed my two keepers"He said

I looked at him and lost hope

I walked close to him and stared at him straight in the eyes

"You can insult me any way you want but I am not a liar"I said firmly then turned my back as balls of tears rolled down my cheeks.

I looked at the ceiling with my puffy eyes and wonder why the hell do I still feel something for him?

Then I had enough I dialed Louie's number while my eyes puffed from crying


"Oh my God!are you crying?girl talk to me whats wrong?"he asked in great concern

"I made a big mistake"I cried

"Wait for me I'll take a flight to Italy right now"he rushed but I stopped him

"No I'll go there"I said

"Are you sure?"

"Yes"I smiled

"Be careful okay?"

"I miss you"I cried

"Me too"

"I'll see you soon alright?"

Niccolo Davide Romano's Pov

That's right hate me...

I thought while I watched her walk away

I looked at Lily enjoying being cuddled in my arms

I harshly let go of her

"Nicco Im bleeding"She pouted

"Do it yourself and by the way clean those glass after"I said and walked closer to her and held her chin a smile appeared on her lips

"Touch her one more time and I will tear you limb by limb"I said in firmness"Remember Selo sent you here temporarily just to substitute those two for a while as a maid do your job well and most importantly apologize to her do you understand?"I asked

She nodded quickly with fear in her eyes

Exactly I don't understand why I still care about that woman,she is nobody to me...

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