Chapter 45:Run!

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Andrea Frause's Pov

After dinner,Mama Saphia and Rhius left and here I am on the terrace watching the sea

"What are you doing here?"Niccolo asked

"Nothing"I said,I was thinking of Dafil and my sister

"I met Adis today I informed

"I heard"He replied

"She looked exactly like Mama"I said in a smile

"Well she is the biological child,me and Katalina are adopted"he explained standing beside me

"Are you alright?"He asked

I nodded

Our eyes looked at the door when we saw Adis

"There you are"She said panting

"What's wrong Adis?"Niccolo asked walking towards her

"You need to r-run like right now"She said in panic making me walk closer in fear

"What?"Niccolo asked then shifted his eyes to me then back to Adis

"He's coming"She said"Cesare is coming"She warned then pulled our hands to Niccolo's room

"Take what you need and leave right now,hurry!"she said

Niccolo nodded and went to his closet,he came out holding two guns

I took a gulp looking at him

"Thank you"He told Adis then looked at me,he offered his hand looking straight at my eyes,then I realized the danger I chose but still I took his hand.He smiled making me feel safe,determination showed in his eyes

We ran down the stairs but as we reached halfway men scattered downstairs one of them was Cesare and also Adriano stood behind him.Niccolo took a step back pulling me behind him not letting go of my hand

"Give her to me Davide"He ordered

"Im afraid I can not do that uncle"he replied

"You chose a woman over your master?"He asked

"You know how this will end I advice you not to make this messier"He said

My eyes looked at him as he took out his gun and pointed it at them

"So be it then"Cesare said

I felt fear creep into my spine by his words

Niccolo swiftly redirected his gun and shot two times,then the chandelier came crashing to the floor blocking the entrance to the stairs and also dimming the place.

"Lets go"Niccolo said and pulled me back upstairs

"What now?"I asked him as we ran through the hall as we met the end he shot a door open revealing a staircase leading down

"Not to worry"He said and led me down,we exited in a room full of mops and cleaning liquids.

"Shhh"He put his index finger on his lips.He opened the door and we were led to the garage.He looked around and pulled me to one car with a note on it

"Be safe"was written on it 

Niccolo smiled and took the paper,we hopped into the car,he instantly turned the key to ignition then roared outside the garage which is opened for us ,Im guessing the person who wrote that note was Adis

"Hold on"He said as the fast car got faster shifting side to side in the lanes avoiding cars.

"Oh God"I whispered holding unto my seat belt

"Niccolo watch out for that car!"I shouted but he avoided it faster than I could finish my sentence

He clenches his jaw looking at the side mirror,I looked and saw cars following us fast.He took out the paper and on the back something was written.As soon as we got out of the  busy street and into an empty street he still kept the same speed.He slammed the brakes as a car blocked the path and there was Adriano leaning on the car

"Stay in the car"He said keeping his eyes on Adriano

How did Adriano know we're coming this way?

Niccolo Davide Romano's Pov

"How did you know we are here?"

"It was all planned out.Adis warning you,did you really think we won't shoot the moment you shot that chandelier down"He said

Adis betrayed me?

"Cesare was kind enough to give you  another test and you proved the choice you took"He said laying his eyes on Andrea in the car

I knew that look,the thing his eyes bore every time she looks at my wife

"Adriano..."I warned

"I am ordered to shoot your wife dead"He said taking out his gun and taking steps aiming his gun at Andrea

Andrea's eyes circled in shock and fear

I took out my gun and pressed it against his temple

He chuckled

"I never thought we would end up like this because of a girl"He said redirecting his gun pointing at me

"Adriano let us go"I ordered firmly at the man I mostly trust

"There's no use,they'll be here not for long"he replied

"But my car is faster,take it"He said lowering his gun then looking at Andrea"Take her out of here"He said

I was curious why he is protecting Andrea but I have no time to keep it in my mind

I ran to the car and took out Andrea

"What's happening?"she asked

"There's no time.I'll tell you later,come quick"I said and got her on Adriano's car.

I walked to him

"Thank you"I said but he held my arm

"Shoot me right now"He said as I heard cars nearing

I looked at his eyes for a moment then took out my gun firing at his leg making fall on the ground

I ran to the car but I felt a bullet pierce through my back

"Niccolo!"I heard Andrea scream

I looked at Adriano wearing an odd dreadful look

He twisted and shot my tires flat

I got on his car then drove away

He didn't betray me too right?but then again what is that look in his eyes?

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