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Erwin had stood at the beginning waiting for us and galloped on his horse till the end, Hanji would fire a smoke signal to tell we left.

"1... 2...3... GO!" I shoot the hooks and fired off, for the first time in my life I felt free, I felt like I didn't have responsibilities and I could do what I wanted.

I started picking up speed as my hair flew violently behind me, I went the fastest I could manage and left the other behind me.

I went faster and faster, when I got to my max I fired myself high up in the sky. As I took a dive for it I fired the hooks mid way catching the trees and sending me on my way again. I was still ahead of the others, and I got to the end way to soon for my liking.

I landed when I saw Erwin and quite soon the others landed with Shorty, Hanji and Mr. Dog.

"Impressive." Erwin said as we started to head back. I was finally gonna train with my team again, and after all that has happened it felt like ages since I did that.

When we finally got back on the training grounds we started with a warming up of 45 laps.

In the time we pretty much had our own groups in walking, Akame often joined Lillian which was never far behind from us, I always ran with Demian and Jax.

We started and Lillian and Akame joined us, so then we jogging all beside each other with me in the middle. Saying Lillian was weak would be a huge mistake, she was just as good as the rest of us and definitely in the top 10 soldiers.

Till now this was about our top ten:
1. Me, Y/n.
2. Luca.
3. Demian.
4. Jax.
5. Akame.
6. Lillian.
7. Chase.
8. And some other cadets I don't remember the name off.

Luca, has been in my group ever since I remember. We had a rather... odd... education system, which I'll explain later.

I was first destined to become the commander of the offense legion, mixed with a lot of defense as well. But I didn't want to, I knew I would feel restricted and I would do a terrible job at it. Luca was second of our group, and because I declined he become the commander.

I didn't mind at all, and was happy when I got my own SP OP squad. The reason we get called that instead of our former SP Squad was because our new name had OP in it which also stood for OverPowered.

And soon we became a legend in our time, I living and walking legend. This was of course an also very strategic call, have a legendary team and you'll have someone to give soldiers hope.

This of course brought a lot of weight on our shoulders but we kinda just had to deal with it.

I started to remember some of my earliest memory's but before long Demian pulled on my arm.

"Cap?" He asked with concern showing in his eyes.


"You've been walking for 50 laps now and after we stopped you didn't even give us new orders. You know that that's off for you."

"Oh... I assume I just got lost in thought." We soon continued our workout with push ups, sit ups and a bunch more.

We ended when it got about evening and walked into the mess hall getting dinner. Hanji was calling for us to sit with them but instead we got our own table, since I had to ask somethings.

"Lillian and Jax, I have a task for the two of you."

"Yes?" Lillian asked curious,

"I want you two to make 5 earpieces with the small microphones and small box."

"Should be possible." Jax answered and we soon started eating. It was a quite enjoyable meal after eating scratch for a long time. We stayed in the mess hall after dinner, just talking about how we ended up here.

The main topic was how they ended up here and found each other. We also talked about my encounter with shorty in the middle of nowhere.

Apparently, Akame and Lillian stayed with each other and ended on top of each other in a alley. Demian and Jax found each other when looking around in their area, and soon Jax shot a bullet up in the air for Lillian and Akame to find them. It actually worked and they soon got reunited as they started looking for me. Right after I explained how I ended up at the bottom of the cliff and then all the assumptions of Browtastic and Shorty being some kind of riding club.

After we had done all of that we started to wonder about how it ended with that 3th party,

"I wonder how Luca took your supposedly death. We all know know he had feelings for you."

"Agreed, probably broken hearted, blaming himself and denying you really are dead."

Everyone knew he had feelings for me, it was quite obvious. But yet I couldn't return the feelings, as had more than once happened.

We soon started to bring up more and old memory's laughing about some silly moments and some personas from our time.

It was quite fun until I remembered something. Browtastic, Hanji, Shorty, and mr Dog we're still at their table. I shoved my chair back while yelling through the further empty mess hall,

"OI, Shorty! Where did you leave my own knives!?!" He looked very annoyed as I heard Demian and Jax silently high five under the table.

Hanji answered for him as she told me he has them in a drawer. Guess what I'm gonna get back tonight.

After some more talking we all went to bed, I walked back with my squad and entered my bedroom. I quickly got changed and fell on my bed. Soon drifting off into a peaceful slumber, a dreamless sleep.

Hey everyone! Sorry for the slow update but I'm working on the back story and next chapter that'll get more clear. When this story is finished I will make a prequel about the backstories from the SP OP squad back in their time, leading up to the moment where this book started.

Thank you all for the load of reads and thank you for waiting. See you in another chapter~ bye~~

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