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Demian jumped back into the scene, throwing his newly made grenades on the nape of the titans successfully. This was action I've been aching for for a long time. I was laughing my whole way through, going from titan to titan killing each and every one of them.

It felt like freedom.

Akame was having my back at all times and I was having hers, this reminded me of past missions. And I loved every single second of it.

The worry about the other soldiers clearing from my mind and the nagging pain disappearing from my ribs.

By now I have no idea how fast I was going or where, but I enjoyed every second of it.

After around an hour or something all the titans were cleared off. I landed on the ground, careful not to land on any... former colleagues?

The grass was tainted red from the blood but I didn't care as I hugged Akame and Demian from the side like old times. Jax and Lillian soon joined us in the groups hug.

We talked shortly but soon started heading north, where the others should be waiting as far as I know.

We have been traveling for awhile now and we're running out of gas faster than I would've liked. H/n and the other horses were not with us at the moment so we have to collect them later on to ride them. So we started walking instead. Sure it wasn't as fast but we were pretty much left alone by the titans which was a relief.

I could bring the subject up now, about others from our time being here. Yet I decided not to, this would most likely spread panic. I think it's best to tell them when we're home, then I'll call a meeting between Hanji, squad Levi, Erwin and my squad.

We continued walking and after around an hour of heading north the sun had started the set, not that we'd had a real way to tell inside this maze of trees. Luckily we could see light illuminating ahead of us.

"Wanna fly with me cap?" Demian said as he smiled at me while he turned his head. I turned around to the people around me that I considered family.

"You what I said about names when we're alone." I turned to them, imitating the serious voice everyone talked with back home.

We all laughed at each other and continued walking.

"So what about it huh? Demian said as he nudged my side.

"Do I sense a competition coming up?" Akame challenged Demian and me, grinning the whole way through.

"There is now. 3,2,1 GO!" Demian said hurriedly as he took off.

Typically him... I spared Akame a glance only to see her take off, just like Lillian by my side and Jax on my other side.

There's no way I'd let them beat me just like that, I took of myself. By now the trees and branches I chose to latch onto with my gear nearly came to me by instinct. And without spending much time I was flying right between Akame and Demian, Jax and Lillian hot on our tails.

With a few minutes we were in the camp, the others had stopped in time, yet I was too captivated to notice I had to slow down. Resulting in me nearly flying over the camp by the time I had slowed down and landed.

It was settled in a small clearing with some ruins of houses here or there. Most left over soldiers seemed to be inside as it was quiet outside. Levi, Hanji and Erwin were talking in the middle of the camp while my team seemed to had gone inside an empty ruin. I walked over to the fellow leaders, Hanji noticing me first.

"Do you know how many rumors are going around camp of your performance with those titans?!" Hanji squealed as soon as I came into sight.

"If you hadn't realized yet, I didn't go around much. Anyway Hanji can you help me with something? During the little competition I had with Levi I probably fractured my rib or something." She nodded at me as we turned and walked away. Levi continued talking with Erwin but i barely managed to catch a last mutter under his breath.

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