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    ❛ i gave her my heart
but she wanted my soul. ❜

THE HOLLOW NOVEMBER breeze seeped through the tan trench coat that covered her body, her black heels connected against the hard pavement as she quickly prowled her way across the busy streets. Nervously biting down on her bottom lip, her brown eyes flicker to the gold watch that decorated her wrist. She sighs deeply, noticing that she only had ten minutes before she was late for her Psychology class.

As she quickly paced down the busy streets heading towards her car, she couldn't help but to chastise herself for choosing to leave her apartment at such a late hour. She would've made it there earlier before with a few minutes to spare but she was in dire need of her daily dosage of caffeine.

She stopped at her favorite cafe a few minutes away from her apartment and ordered her favorite — a medium latte with a small powdered donut. "Professor McLaughlin is going to kill me." The girl murmurs, quickening her pace as the sight of her red convertible finally comes into view.

Just as she prepares to cross the street, the sounds of low groans catches her attention causing her to pause mid-stride. Her eyes dart around, quickly scanning her surroundings.

The girl gulps down the thick lump that formed at the back of her throat before tightly clutching her purse to her chest and continuing her fast walk. Though she lived in the upper part of the city, Ronnie knew that danger could find you anytime and anywhere. She wasn't naive, she understood the dangers of walking around town by yourself especially if you're a woman.

She certainly didn't plan on getting kidnapped or slaughtered, so she ignored the guttural sounds and proceeded her fast walk. The low groans rung through the air again, followed by the sounds of a person struggling to move. Ronnie knew that it was stupid, she only had five minutes to get to her class yet here she was walking back into the creepy alley.

It sounded like someone was hurt. She couldn't simply allow herself to leave a person in pain without aiding them with her assistance. Hesitantly, she slowly saunters in the direction as she followed the sounds. She takes deep breaths trying to bring the erratic thudding of her heart to a simmer.

"H-Hello?" Her small voice asked, trembling as she inched closer. She fished into her purse quickly digging through until she found her small can of pepper spray. She kept it in a safe distance just in case someone or something tried to grab her. She didn't know what to expect and she started to run back towards her car and forget the whole thing until the sound of vicious coughs filled the air.

Ronnie, who still had a hand wrapped around the nozzle of the small can, peeked her head around the large trash can. Her eyes widened and she gasped at the horrible sight before her. There laying on the cold ground was a young man, roughly sprawled out with crimson blood pooling from his busted lip. Small cuts covered his pale face.

For a second, Ronnie almost thought the young man was slain until he twitches his leg, groaning in pain as he slowly tried to sit up. "Oh my God!" Ronnie exclaims while quickly running to his side. She drops to her knees, not minding that she was scuffing up her favorite pair of black stockings.

"Are you okay?" He groans in response, clutching his stomach and wincing in pain as he rests his back against the brick wall. He had his eyes tightly closed, his labored breaths were slow as they emanates from his parted lips.

Ronnie looked at the man with concern flickering in her pupils. He looked as if he'd been beaten horribly, not to mention it was nearly forty degrees outside and he didn't have a jacket on; only a long sleeved shirt that seemed a bit too big for his body.

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