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❛ these sheets go for miles. ❜

HIS CALLOUSED FINGERS lingered along her dewy skin, tracing the outline of her peculiar shaped birthmark that chuffed on her inner thigh. The light caress of his gentle fingers grazing against her skin causes Ronnie to flutter her golden brown irises open. His thinned lips slanted into a small simper. "Morning, beautiful." River emotes, his rasped voice coaxed with a combination of weariness and merriment.

After last night, the two lovers engaged in endless rounds of love making; learning each other's libidinous desires and ravishing in the inebriated feel of their conjoined bodies moving in tandem as one. Each time was a more prodigious experience than the last, but it never diminished the cultivating haze that River embedded anytime he felt Ronnie's slick body thrusting against his.

Instead of lulling into a deepened slumber like Ronnie, he remained awake the entire night - languishing at the beautiful estate that marred her face as she rested gently against his chest. "Morning." The raven haired woman softly yawns, sheepishly running her heavy-lidded eyes after. "How long have I been asleep? What time is it?" Ronnie queries, noticing the warm hues from the morning sun that transcended into the small room.

River glances over his shoulder, flickering his eyes to the round clock that stood on his nightstand. "12:30; you've been asleep for hours."

"12:30?" Ronnie groans as she further nuzzles her face against the warmth of River's freckle coaxed chest. "Why'd you let me sleep in so late?" She queries, her murmuring words vanishing against the flesh of his skin. 

"Sorry, you just looked so beautiful while you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you." River responds, brushing away the loose tendrils of her disheveled hair that matted against her forehead, pressing a chaste kiss on her temple. Ronnie retorts back with a playful roll of the eyes, trying to mask the jovial smile that tugged just at the edges of her lips. Finally prying her face away from his chest, she sits up and meets the lingering gaze of River's azure colored eyes.

"So, what are we doing today?"

He shrugs his shoulders, tightening the loose grip he held around her waist and draws her closer. "Personally I could just lay here and stare at you all day but we can do whatever you'd like." River comments playfully though still harboring some truth to his statement. With today being Friday, both River and Ronnie were free of their schedules; he didn't have to call into work today and she didn't have class. Albeit he longed for nothing more than to spend the day in the presence of his girlfriend, he didn't mind Ronnie picking the plans for their itinerary. 

"Whatever I want, huh?" She assures him with a mirthful smile and her thick eyebrows quirked in question. Ronnie rises from her laying position and splays her bracketed legs as she straddles his lap. His lips curl into a mirroring smile as he instinctively rest his hands on her waist. "Well, I kinda enjoyed what we were doing last night."

"Oh really?" He gloats, participating along with her playful banter. Ronnie nods her head and chuckles softly, finding his humor quite amusing. "Well as you are aware Ms. Drew, I always aim to please." He whispers as eyes slowly travel from her face down to the outlines of her succulent lips. She feels her face growing warm under his hooded gaze. With their eyes still maintaining contact, River's lingering hands pressed into her soft skin. He gripped her waist and gently eased her down onto him after he placed a condom on.

Ronnie stilled, exhaling breathy moans that slipped through her parted lips and thrusted her hips until she bottomed him out.

"I don't think I can move." Ronnie sighs inwardly, wiping away the salted sweat that sodded on her forehead. Looking up at River, she noticed that his face was flushed crimson red and his slow breathing was staggered. He raked his nimble fingers through his thick blonde strands of bedraggled hair.

"Me either, I have to use the bathroom but I'm not sure my legs could bear the distance." River laughs breathlessly.

Even though they've spent a substantial amount of their day cuddled together in bed, Ronnie still wanted her and River to enjoy the rest of their free day outside of the house. She suggested that they go to a movie and dinner afterwards.

"Glad to know that I wore you out. Now get up and get dressed." She pampered his lips with a quick peck before rising off of the bed and sliding her bathrobe on. Ronnie departed from the bedroom and sauntered down the long corridor, making her way downstairs towards the front door.

She walked to the mailbox and gathered the small envelopes that were placed inside. When she entered into the house again, she spotted River standing in the kitchen in his boxers scarfing down the leftovers that they cooked from last night.

"You're supposed to be in the shower." She retorts, tilting her head at him as her hands rest steady on her hips.

River turns around and faces her with a mouthful of chewed food. "Sorry, I got hungry." He mumbled, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as he opened the refrigerator and grabbed ahold of the water jug - quenching his thirst and allowing the chilled liquid to cascade down his throat.

She shakes her head, tossing the mail onto the coffee table before walking off into the living room. Tardiness was one of many idiosyncrasies that she learned River struggled with, if it weren't for her they would be late to every event. Since she spent the last two nights shackled with River at his apartment, she decided to check the messages on her answering machine - remembering that she was expecting a important call.

Ronnie skimmed through the brief messages; two from Carmen asking if she wanted to join her at mall tomorrow and another from her mother. She started to hang up the phone until a certain message grasped her attention. "Veronica Drew, this is Blake Schwimmer from Northeastern University. I wanted to remind you about the meeting we have scheduled the week of your visit. Remember to bring your transcript, I look forward to meeting you."

The call ended and the room was conquered by silence that filled the air. Though she had her back facing to him, she already knew that his moue lips were twisted into a confused frown. She winced, imagining the pained expression that marred his face.

"Northeastern University? Like the one in Boston?" Ronnie sighs softly as she runs her hands through her hair before turning around to face him. Just as she predicted, his face and lips were frowned in confusion. The sight of his pouted lips wretched her. "You're transferring to another school? You're moving?" River asked in disbelief, still not able to fathom the current reality. His reluctant doubts further submerged after noticing the slouch of Ronnie's shoulders.

"So it's true?"

"No—I mean—possibly." She stammered keeping her eyes cemented to the taupe colored carpet that sat underneath her feet, unable to maintain eye contact with him. Ronnie bites at her lower lip, nervously fiddling with her fingers as she remained standing there waiting for his response. She knew that he was visibly perturbed by the news. Ronnie felt terrible for him having to find out this way.

"Babe, I meant to tell you but—" She attempted to explain but was interrupted by River who suddenly walked off, leaving her standing there perplexed and alone.

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