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❛ i'll go back to you. ❜

ALL MORNING RONNIE had been doddering around the university, accustoming herself to the new school and city that she was going to be living in. Mr. Schwimmer, the head of admission at the university showed Ronnie around the campus and concluded the end of the orientation by providing her with instructions on how and where to register for class, the information about her dormitory and the name of her guidance counselor.

By the time the afternoon rolled around, Ronnie was exhausted and desired nothing more than to close her eyes and lull herself into a deepened slumber. She opened the door to her hotel room and instantly ridded herself out of the shoes that ached her feet. Ambling to the large king sized bed, she sprawls out and releases a content sigh as the satin fabric of the bedsheets graze against her skin.

Sighing softly to herself, Ronnie shifts her body and lays on her side allowing her eyes to close in attempt of seeking slumber. The sounds of light knocking on the door suddenly adjourned, making her flutter her eyes back open.

The knocking started again, this time making Ronnie toss the covers off of her body and amble towards the door. "I'm coming. I'm coming." She sighs, growing slightly furious with this person for disturbing her during resting hours.

Her toes lightly dig into the taupe colored carpet as she walks across the large room.

Ronnie extends her hand out, wrapping it around the cold handle of the door and pulling it open. "Yes?"

She stands in front of the ajar door, hand still positioned on the cold bronze handle of the knob, mouth agape and mind baffled by the figure that stood athwart from her. She blinks, coaxing a perplexed look that marred on her flushed face. The pounding of her erratic heartbeat proliferates.

He's staring back at her, blinking helplessly at her with those sapphire colored eyes and casted eyelashes that hastily made her become weak in the knees. Ronnie gulps, tucking the loose tendrils that curled her hair before folding her arms across her chest. Coaxing a rancorous demeanor, she inquires with a stern voice, "What're you doing here, River?"

River was aware that his ubiety would only impel more turmoil for his former companion, but he could no longer abide by the ludicrous decision he made of breaking up with her. Meeting Ronnie, without a doubt, was possibly the best thing to have ever happened to him. He'd met, dated and found someone that he wholly fell in love with.

After their last phone call, it only took him two seconds to realize that it was a necessity for him to repair what he'd initially rutted. With the help of her mother, who inflicted no trouble vocalizing her disdain for him for causing her daughter her first heartbreak, eventually aided him in assistance of providing him the name of the hotel and the room number in which Ronnie was currently staying at.

River took the first available flight to Boston, finding himself being compelled by unsettled nerves. He had to make everything right with her again, and he knew that this task wasn't something that was going to be accomplished over the phone. Moistening his dry lips with a quick swivel of tongue, River heeded intensely at her - not once diverting his attention away from her golden brown irises.

"I came here for you. To tell you how much I've missed you and how I was an idiot for ever letting you go." He informs her, carefully enunciating each of his words to depict the sincerity behind them.

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