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❛ give me love. ❜

VERONICA EASES THROUGH the crowded room that was filled with hundreds of dancing bodies. The sounds of a mellow R&B song played through the speakers. She stood back, leaning her back against the nearest wall in the corner and observed as the couples gyrated sexually against one another.

She chuckles bemusedly as she brings the red cup towards her mouth, taking a small sip of her drink. Looking over the rim, she could see Corey slithering towards her direction. She sighs heavily, mentally preparing herself for what's to come.

Corey gleams at Ronnie as he gently pushes his way through the sweating bodies. Smoothing out of his clothes as he approaches, he presses himself next to her while they both looked at the scenery athwart from them.

"You come alone?" He asks, yelling over the loud music as he brings his drink up to his mouth and takes a quick sip. She halts back a vicious roll of the eyes, already knowing where the direction of the conversation was heading in.  Corey was aware of the current deflation of her and River's relationship and knowing him, she was certain that he was going to attempt at flirting with her at some point during the night.

"Yep." She retorts simply, earning a small nod of the head from him. She sees him move closer to her so that his lips are brushing right against her earlobes. His warm beer breath stings her nostrils as he whispered lowly in her ears.

"I just wanted to let you know that you look good tonight."  His tingling words send a shiver down her spine. She managed to suppress a coy smile, that tugged just at the edges of her lips.

"Thank you. You look nice too." He begins to pull away and for a moment, she thinks he's about to return to the position he held against the wall as before - however, she's proven wrong when she feels his hands begin to cower at her lower back. She quirks an eyebrow, curiously observing as she feels his cold hands brushing against her exposed flesh, face nuzzling cozily in the crook of her neck. She hears him mumbling something incoherently but is unable to detect is due to his lips now lingering her cheeks.

"You smell so good." He mellows, inhaling a sharp breath as his teeth capture into the plush skin of his pink lips.

"W-What are you doing?" The pulse of her heart rapidly increases. She's growing more uncomfortable by his passive behavior, watching hesitantly while his hooded eyes slowly linger on her body. Ronnie assumes that Corey is intoxicated from the various cups of beer he consumed and that he wasn't aware of his intentions—though she knows that he would never harm her intentionally in any way, she couldn't shake this timid feeling of fear as the two of them stood in the far corner secluded from the rest of the party attendees.

Ronnie felt completely bombarded by him and all she wanted to do at the moment was get away from him before something happened that would only end up causing chaos. Ronnie tugs her hand away from his hardened grasp and hurriedly scurries away, ignoring the shouts of Carmen as she called after her.

She jogged down the stairs and trotted to her car where she slid inside and immediately exhaled a shaky breath. Albeit nothing occurred tonight, it still didn't falter to the fact that Corey had put her in an uncomfortable position tonight. His behavior was uncanny and she began to ponder if it was the result of him finding out that she no longer had any communication with River.

Corey has attempted to flirt with her multiple times—and much to his avail he would always tumble or Ronnie would kindly turn him down but none of his advances were that frightening and left her body trembling erratically.

She just needed to go home. Get away from this scene as soon as possible. She starts the car and maneuvers the small, red vehicle down the streets of the city. Arriving at the front gates of her apartment, Ronnie gleams a welcoming smile and waves at the Bernie, the head security guard.

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