Chapter Four

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"Oh no." Raymond whispered to himself, already stressed out about his wife's death, and now stressed about all the money he had to pay regarding her death since the insurance couldn't cover any of it. He put his hand over his open mouth. Sure he made enough money as a teacher–which his wife helped get that job for him–and Emily made lots with her job as a nurse. But all of the money they made combined could never pay off the number he was looking down at on the paper. He had kids to feed, bills to pay, and now he had to deal with the mess that comes with a death.

He felt the tears falling down his face as he suddenly broke down crying and sobbing loudly. He dropped down to his knees. His two little children stood behind the wall leading up to the stairs. Since the house was still being investigated for evidence and Raymond didn't feel ready to go back into the house he saw his wife dead in, they were staying with his sister and her husband.

"Papa?" The four year old Mitchell softly said. His two year old little sister stood next to him, clutching onto his shirt.

"Go the fuck away!" He sobbed loudly in the direction of his children. They jumped at his outburst. They'd never heard him become so angry at them.

"Come on, kids." Tanya, Raymond's older sister whispered to the kids, pushing them along to the upstairs guest bedroom. She came back down the stairs to see her brother on the floor, bawling his eyes out. "Ray..." She sat on the hard wood floor, gently rubbing her brothers back.

"Is this some sort of disgusting prank?" He cried. "You got me! Haha! Now just... stop I've had enough." He moved his hands to let go of the letter to cover his face. "What have I done to deserve this?"

Tanya frowned. "Ray, I understand that you're in so much pain. God I can't even imagine exactly how much. But don't take it out on your children. Its not... its not good."

"Get out." He whispered. Tanya furrowed her eyebrows. She sat still, her hand still on his back. "Are you deaf? I said get the fuck out!" He shouted as he slapped her hand away from him. "Now!"

Tanya sighed and got up. She figured he needed to be alone. Away from other people to have time to himself. She walked up the stairs and grabbed the two little kids. She could take them out to do something fun. They were still young and she hoped that the two would grow up, not remembering any of it.

She buckled up Kora's seatbelt after putting her in the car seat.

"Can papa come?" She asked. Tanya gently pushed a piece of the little girls brown hair away from her face.

"He needs some alone time, honey. He's really sad."

"Oh." She tilted her head to the side as her two little pig tails moved along as well. Tanya tried her best to smile as she grabbed the pacifier and tucked it between the two year olds lips.

"Everything will be ok." She closed the car door and got into the drivers side. "How about we go for ice cream? That sound good?"

Mitchell and Kora looked at each other. Usually they'd be excited as hell for ice cream. But even as young kids, they knew it all felt wrong. The atmosphere didn't feel right. Regardless, they nodded.


Walter Ottoson rang the doorbell. He tapped his foot against the ground, looking at his partner, Seth Lance who just stared at the door. His heart was thumping so hard against his chest. Everything in his body told him that this was a bad idea. But it was his job. He needed to inform a man that the woman he loved is not only dead; she was dead and pregnant.

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