Chapter Seventeen

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(A/N) Sorry for not updating yesterday. I'm slowly losing inspiration to write but I'm trying my best. Any who, I'm not sure how many times ill upload this week, but I'll try and do so as frequent as possible. Thank you for reading, enjoy!

The excitement in Raymond's chest was getting out of control. He finally had a name. Maybe it wasn't exactly the person who killed her, but he was a possible accomplice.

Jack Reed.

Gosh Raymond was too happy. But he had one problem; How the hell was he going to find Jack Reed?

The technology wasn't advanced enough to just hop on a computer to look him up or anything. Plus the Hunters didn't even own a computer. They were saving up to buy one but that didn't seem to be the case anymore.

Raymond watched Kora and Mitchell chasing each other around on the grass. The farm that was right behind the ice cream shop was a nice edition to put in, especially for young kids to play around and feed the animals. The both of them were on a sugar high from the ice cream.

If this Jack Reed was always watching him no matter what, then how would he be able to tell Walter and Seth about it? How is it possible for Raymond to find out who this person was and where he was. It would be impossible to find him in New York. He pulled his attention away from his kids to look down at his flip phone. He still had the card that Seth gave him when he informed him about his wife being pregnant at the time of her death. He dialed the number he saw and pressed his phone to his ear.


Raymond cleared his throat at the sound of Seth's voice. "Detective Lance, its me, Raymond Hunter."

"Oh hi. How can I help you?"

"I uh... well I need to explain something to you—"


Raymond turned his head to look at his son running towards him. He furrowed a brow. "What is it, Mitchell?"

Mitchell had such an innocent look when he started telling his father what disturbing thing just happened. "Its Kora. I don't know where she is."

A sudden tightness in his chest began to form. He panicked and could only think about how he had been so careless to not watch his children. He stood up, hand trembling as he looked all around in a frenzy.

"W–what do you mean? What happened?!"

"I don't know. I was running after her and I lost her. Now I don't know where she is."

It was silent.

"Ray? You still there?" Seth spoke.

"Oh fuck. I swear I'm gonna have a fucking heart attack," Raymond said in a strained voice.

"Whoa, ok lets calm down. What happened?" Seth asked.

Raymond quickly got up to look around the farm and inside the ice cream shop. Kora was nowhere in sight. "Seth, my daughter is missing. I don't know where the hell she is!"


"She's nowhere," Walter said. He walked over to his partner who was searching with his eyes of anyone who looked suspicious. But everyone looked like a happy family. "Checked the barns, the shop, bathrooms. Nothing."

"Did you check the women's bathroom?" Seth asked. Walter only stared at him awkwardly. Seth sighed and rolled his eyes as he made his way back into the ice cream shop. With no warning or hesitation, he walked straight into the women's bathroom, catching the attention of several people.

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