Chapter Thirty-Seven

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(A/N) Another long chapter. Enjoy!

Brandon put his belt through the loop of his pants as he slid on his shoes. Today was beautiful, according to the weather forecast. The highest being 92 today. So he wore the lightest clothes he had. Not that it mattered anyways since he'd be inside the morgue all day. Today, he had to do an autopsy on a body which died under suspicious circumstances. A young healthy male, with no medical history, who died of a suspected heart attack.

He walked in front of his bathroom mirror, giving himself a quick check before sliding on his glasses neatly. Jonathan always liked to joke around that he looked very geeky, and Brandon wasn't sure if he should take him seriously or not.

But at the same time, Jonathan would also tell him that he looked adorable, which made him smile with glee.

Brandon picked up his car keys and suitcase and walked out of his apartment. He walked down the hall and took the elevator into the lobby. He began to count in his head how many steps it would take to get to his car.

Not even five steps later, he noticed a trail of blood leading to the side of the building. Brandon leaned over to look at it more clearly and pushed up his glasses. He followed the trail of blood which then led up to a dumpster. And next to it were a pair of feet sticking out from the side of it on the ground.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise and quickly rushed over to the body, noticing a single gunshot to the chest, right in the middle. Brandon recognized the body. It was Ashley Mindler, a girl who lived on his floor.

He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, bringing it up to his ear as he heard it ring a few times before the person on the other line picked up.

"Hey its me. We got another body."


"So," Sarah started off by saying as Walter kept his eyes on the road, "you got a crush on anyone?"

Walter was caught off guard and quickly glanced at her. "What?"

"I said—"

"I heard what you said." Walter gripped on tighter to the steering wheel. He never told anyone that he had a crush on agent Borres. Maybe the word "crush" seemed a little childish to him. "No, I don't have a crush on anyone."

Sarah folded her hands on her lap and looked out the window. "Alriiiiiight."

Walter rolled his eyes. Having a love interest was something he never talked about. Even as a kid he never really had much crushes on anyone. Just once when he was in fourth grade, he fell in love with Kayla Johnson and had the guts to ask her out, only to be rejected and have all the kids in his grade laughing at him. But whenever that memory came up, he always remembered how he lost his virginity to two girl at the same time on the same night before his high school graduation ceremony. And he walked that stage proudly with a big grin on his face as he took his diploma and smiled for his picture.

What a day.

"Thanks for dropping me off, Walt," Sarah said as she opened the car door and stepped out.

"No problem kid, I'll pick you up after school too."

Sarah nodded and waved goodbye at him before closing the door and walking towards the school building.

Just then, she noticed Mister Hunter walking past her as he tucked something into his pocket rather hastily. Sarah picked up the pace to match speeds with him.

The Murder Of 1998Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora