Chapter Thirty-Five

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Seth flipped through the journal, fascinated at how well thought–out his plans were. All his tasks were put into bulletin points. If they were completed then there would be a line going through it. There were only a few that he didn't strike out.

Everything seemed so meticulously planned. Maybe this is why he was murdered. Because the suspect knew he would be taking both the LaBelle and Hunter family to safety. Or, wherever safety was. In the journal, Father Thomas never mentioned where he would take them, just that he would get them out of New York.

The first bulletin point that had a line through it was, 'talk to the detectives'. Seth assumed that he was talking about him and Walter. He tried to think back to what the conversation was between them. Trying to remember if there was anything important he said.

"I am just absolutely heartbroken," Father Thomas said with a frown on his face. "She was such a bright child, and to have to hear of her passing it just—oh may God be with her."

Walter had his arms crossed, staring at Father Thomas. "Right..." He pulled out his red pocket memo notepad and a pen, clicking it. "Did she ever seem upset about something. Maybe she mentioned someone that was bothering her?"

"No. She got along with everyone very well."

Seth cocked his head to the side. "Did anyone ever take a particular interest in her?" 

Father Thomas furrowed his eyebrows. "Some men did fall in love with her just by looking at her smile. But no one ever really tried anything with her. She is a child of God after all." 

Walter rolled his eyes. Seth noticed this, frowning at him.

"Yes of course." Seth cleared his throat. "Thank you for your time, Father Thomas," he said as he slid him his card with his number on it. "If there is anything else that you can tell us, please contact me. Any little detail can be useful." 

Father Thomas took the card and looked at it with a smile on his face. "Detective Ottoson, may I ask you a question?" 

Walter crossed his arms and sighed, looking at Father Thomas. "Go ahead." 

"Why do you have such a bad taste for religion?" 

Seth cringed at the question, wishing that Father Thomas didn't ask that. 

"Its... just not for me," Walter whispered.

"Have you ever read the good book?" 

Walter nodded. "Yea. And its all bullshit." 

"Alright, we should be going now!" Seth tugged on Walter's arm but he tugged it back, facing the priest.

"Your religion hates gay people, thinks abortion is a sin, wants a woman to be submissive to her husband... I mean, I could go all day!" 

Father Thomas just stood with a peaceful smile to his face. He had his hands folded in front of him. He wasn't at all angry. He was genuinely calm and happy. Like he had never been angry in his entire life.

"The Lord forgives everyone." 

Walter scoffed. "Does your God forgive a rapist who violated a little girl? Or what about someone who murdered several people? Just as long as you pray, your sins will go away." 

"The Lord helps others escape from evil." 

"So I see," Walter whispered with a chuckle, "doesn't matter what you've done, as long as you just pray for forgiveness." 

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