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-Friday evening

"Please Ky" my little sister begged for the toy

"You already have like 27 baby dolls. Why do you need another one?" I count her dolls when I help her clean up. This little girl is obsessed

"I'm four, 27 plus 4 is a trillion. That means all of my dolls are old people now. I need a new doll."

I stared at her for a minute. She's really not letting up "If you get a doll, you can't have ice cream until this new doll gets old."

She gasped "No fair! I'm going on stripe" She meant strike.

She sat crisscrossed in the middle of the floor "Little girl, get up." I have no idea where she gets that attitude

"Mm-mm" she shook her head, folding her arms

"I'm gonna leave you."

"Somebody gonna see me, then you gonna go to jail."

I sighed "Camryn, don't make me beat you in this store."

She stayed silent, finally getting up. She knows when it's time to play and when she's gone too far with being a little smartass.

"Can I get shawberry ice shream?" She asked in her four year old way, hopping on the front of the cart.

"Yeah" I pushed the cart down the aisle

"And can we get the little red things?"

"We can get some cherries, Camryn." I chuckled to myself

"You areeee da' bestest big stister ever!"

"Thank you, now stop being so loud"

As the aisle I was on came to an end, I started turning left. When I was in mid turn, I bumped baskets with someone else.

"Ow!" Cam shouted. The other person's basket sandwiched her in a bit, but it wasn't hard.

"Watch where you're going" I said defensively before even looking in the person's face

"You should've moved on the other side." They said back

"Bitch I-" I looked up, seeing it was Mekai "I'm so tired of seeing you"

"People's eyes never get tired of seeing me." He smirked "You ok lil mama?" He squatted down to Camryn

"Uh huh." She nodded "You know my stister?"

"Not really. She's always mean to me." He whispered to her, but I could still hear him

"Don't tell her that." I said "Come on Cam"

"She's just like that sometimes" my sister attempted to whisper back.

"I see. Well sorry I bumped you, lil lady." He pulled out a $10 bill and handed it to her

Her eyes got big "A whole hundred dollars! Thank you"

"It's $10, Cam, $10 dollars that you'll be giving back. She doesn't need your money, Andrews." I called him by his last name

"It's just my way of apologizing." He stood up straight

"And passing out information." I reminded him of his writing on the money

"So you did see my number." He nodded

"Yeah, I saw it. I also saw that you have a girlfriend and a nasty attitude. Why would I want to involve myself with you?"

"Your involving yourself with me right now." A smirk appeared on his lips

"This wasn't intentional. It was a coincidence."

"But this extra conversation is unnecessary. You're choosing to have it."

"Whatever. Camryn, give him his money back and let's go."

"Don't tell me to do with my money. He gave it to me as a gift, not you." she put the $10 in her pocket

"Little girl." I glared at her

"Just let her keep it. If you let her keep it, I'll leave you alone." Mekai butted in

"Oh you're gonna leave me alone anyway. But I'll let her keep it because I don't want to make her cry." I rolled my eyes "Bye" I began pushing the cart again. This time, Camryn stood beside me

"You going to Dominic's party tomorrow?" Mekai asked

"Not if you're going to be there." I shot him a fake smile before going to the ice cream aisle

"Since I'm rich now, can I get my own doll?" Camryn asked

"You still want ice cream?"


"Then no you can't." I said seriously. I'm not helping raise my little sister to think she can get whatever she wants & when someone says no, she'll get it from someone else. That's not the way life always works.


"What took you so long, Kai Bear?" My mama asked me as I got back in the car

"Ma" I groaned. She gave me that nickname when I was two and hasn't let up on it since.

"Boy, you gone always be my Kai Bear. No matter how much facial hair you get, how tall you get, or how many fast ass girls you bring home. Speaking of, how is Lena?" She gave me a fake smile

"Ooooh. You wrong." I laughed, shaking my head and starting the car

"I'm just saying." She shrugged "She has no respect for herself or my house."

"She only came over last night because she didn't feel well." I tried to lie

"And? Her lil stuck up ass got parents to take care of her. Plus, I know her health was in perfect condition. I heard y'all making all that damn noise."

"Sorry" I sighed, turning onto the highway

"The only reason I didn't come in there was because I wanted you to think I didn't hear you. Now the next time I have somebody over, I'm gonna make sure you hear us all night long."

"Chill mama." I scrunched up my face. Don't nobody want to hear about their mama getting fucked and making noises

"Wouldn't like it, would you?"

"Hell no." I gagged

"Stop all that and drive." She hit me upside the head

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-Carlisha 🤩

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